Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hiking - Tampines Quarry

Hi Blog,

Tomorrow was Voting Day so our school was tasked to become a counting center so we were asked to leave the premises slightly later (half day you may ask). But... On the night day, I had a class to attend... So much time for pocket time.

What shall I do with this time?
As titled, I decided to go for a short exploration at Tampines Quarry. I had visited there for like the third time - The First and Second were in 2017, and the third was in 2018. Today will be my fourth time. I would like to see the changes.

It seemed like the weather looked gloomy... Hope it won't rain.
Yes, I won't hike in my usual attire! Time to transform!
Alright, no one sees my transformation.
Time to explore Tampines Quarry!
Nearby Tampines Quarry, there is a Sand Dunes - Tampines HDB Sand Stockpile. The place where they stored the raw material for building our HDB. Sadly, I don't have a chance to enter to touch it with my own hands.
Anyway, let's stay focused.
Hmm... Based on the map, it seemed like there are paths to explore. I hope...
The trees in Tampines Quarry look a bit creepy.
It seemed like there was a path here...
Yup! I was right.
Continued my way in.
This forest felt... odd...
Viney plants but not many.
Wanted to explore deeper but... I hesitated because no obvious path, and FULL of MOSQUITOES and FLYING UNKNOWN INSECTS from the ground whenever you stepped on!
I worried that it might be sandflies but hoped not.
Oooo! A makeshift tent was found here, and it appeared as though the person who had been staying there had left the area.
I wondered what if he found me here. Will he kidnap me?
From the look at the items that he hangs, I think he has no interest in me.
Even though the Quarry looks like they are ready for Halloween I should be safe.
I shall leave it alone as there are red ants everywhere!
Don't know why... The trees suffered from the same condition... They were dead...
Hmm... Especially those near the Quarry... If it was not near the lake bank, I would know the reason but... Water to them is not an issue... Could that be... They were drown like too wet for the plants?
Hmm... Similar setup to Yishun Forest... Was he trying to farm some vegetables?
Anyway... There was no other path to walk through the woods... And the mosquitoes just kept on partying around me... I exited that zone quickly.
But I won't miss out to snap a few photos here...
I would find many such scenery along the forest.
Hmm... It was a state land so... It tried to remind me not to explore further...
...but I won't stop here haha
Hmm... a new entrance was spotted.
I saw an uncle chilling here and not bothered by a weirdo I am
Sooner... I met a dead end. I had to find another path...
As I entered into another path, found another makeshift tent again.
This one seemed vacant for a while. I wondered what were they doing here? If I am going to set up a makeshift tent, how it will turn out to be? I will make a wooden cabin with a garden.
As I walked deeper, I came to an opening. If there is a beautiful sunset, this place will be a beautiful scene.
Oooo... An empty tortoise shell. I just left it untouched rather than checking it out.
This spot doesn't look like it in Singapore.
Somewhere that draws me out from the norm is my poison.
This side of the forest seemed to have a distinguished path which is easy and safe to walk.
Weird though... I don't remember seeing this drain before... Since 2018... This place had changed so much.
More tall grasses
And dead trees.
As mentioned, there were many distinguish paths, unlike the start of my entry.
When other countries have beautiful coconut trees that bend towards the beautiful beach... I got this...
...dying branches like the fingers of death.
I just sat there emo-ing... Oh well, let's continue exploring before the day ends.
Hmm... An entry gate... I don't remember there being a gate for my previous visits. I guess... That is the reason why I like to go for a hike and revisit because of the changes in the landscape. Like... Same place but different experiences.
I revised from my previous visit, I had yet to visit the area here.
As I proceed deeper, more and more trees from the edge just die off...
It's a rare sight and many possible reasons. I checked online, and it seemed like this phenomenon happened in the whole world.
Google or comments claimed the trees were here first then the water rose up and drowned the trees.
oooo! Another makeshift tent here.
This one seemed like a chill place to have a world of your own.
Can I have one for myself? I will want to make a cabin myself... perhaps with bricks and concrete to keep the mosquitoes away.
It seemed like I was moving to a higher ground.
Hmm... the path here was so clean... and somehow manmade... why so?
Oooo! Another side of the sand dune. It seemed like it was guarded (I saw there was someone in the guard house).
I guessed this was the closest I could get.
Hmm... Don't know why... I can't get over the odd feeling while walking here...
Was it the setting here?
Anyway... there was much soft ground and I stepped into one... now my shoes finally received a mud spa treatment!
Oooo... Were there mountain bike trails here?
It seemed like it was used to gather some bikers to trail here. They surely have balls made of steel. I dare not cycle here.
The tapes were everywhere and I almost got tangled.
I guessed that it was time to return and stop exploring deeper...
Along the way, I stumped a black spitting cobra and luckily, I didn't step on it. Thanked Heaven for this.
Wow! This giant tree! Should be "original".
let's snap a pic with it first.
Massive tree. I hope it won't fall and stay strong.
oooo! This one! This was a site for those people who play remote control cars. Just check how amazing they had made to challenge their mini cars.
I got rather tired now. I will have to reserve some energy for the night activity.
So... I went to my favourite place for a short swim in my trisuit (I thought) but somehow... I better don't.
Even though it was my fourth visit to Tampines Quarry this place seemed new and also, I don't visit this place that often to register enough in my memory. But I am glad to explore a "new place". My thought for Tampines Quarry... while exploring deep... I felt... the plants here are rather "artificially planted"... They don't have the same vibe as how I experienced from my other explorations. Well... anyway, I doubt I will visit here again unless someone dragged me there.


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