Thursday, January 31, 2019

Personal - Random January

Hi Blog,

These days whether I do, not many people will understand and take it personally. Even when I told them the true reason, sometimes I don't even know what to say to them. Oh well, it is just random, I am just ranting. Let's be random in this post!
3rd Jan 2019 - My first jogging for 2019, great start for this year. Will continue to do so.
4th Jan 2019 - After a month break, today I decided to make my own lunch - clean meal without oil and sugar. Feeling joyful while cooking.
7th Jan 2019 - Feeling awkward to hike in this suit but lucky it was during the evening when no one around. It will be my last time to be in this attire. I think it is because of my untoned body and thin material which showed too much of my nipples when I sweat. So... What I awkward experience.
10th Jan 2019 - My new job for a new start. It was an induction program which I got overwhelmed by over usage of Acronyms! But... I can't go back anymore but to move on bravely.
11th Jan 2019 - TGIF! Today I went for a short jog (really short jogging) then I paid a visit to the nursery and the aroma of the orange brought out the CNY mood.
12th Jan 2019 - I decided to cycle to North to visit an old friend like last time but... when I was about to step out, he texted me that he is not free. Honestly, kind of spoiled my mood and now I laze... I decided to go breakfast with my mother.
13th Jan 2019 - ZN said it should be the ripe time to make sushi and I agreed. So we decided to make Tamago Inari Sushi for dinner. I guessed my tamago skill is lacking and need more practices.
14th Jan 2019 - Today I had a pocket time to spare and went for a swim, and motivated one of my school colleagues to swim together. I am all-ready to swim. Just to balance my emotions on Saturday.
15th Jan 2019 - I have not been updating my blog than making small posts like this... There are a lot of things going on... Sometimes, it is also not easy to speak what is going in my life or past. To you, my blog, thanks for accompanying my life journey patiently. Oops! Someone (lifeguard) was looking at me!
17th Jan 2019 - I wanted to make a 10-years-challenge for my social media but somehow... I felt so tired to do so... I guess my sudden overwhelming workload at my workplace wore me down. All I can do is to just smile for the day.
18th Jan 2019 - I bought this set of clothing online and it arrived last night. I felt so excited to wear it on Friday (dress-down day). I realised... I look awful in it... This attire isn't for untoned and un-lean like me. Lucky, I was busy in a room for the whole day so I can avoid any interaction with anyone especially my school leaders and students. I guess it will become my pajamas...
20th Jan 2019 - After yesterday long hike, my legs felt rather sore but with a sense of great feeling, so I decided to go for an early swim at the pool like around 8 am until kid-tsunami takes over the pool. At least, the good morning sun warmed my heart and ensured that I am coping well.
26th Jan 2019 - While waiting for my army mobilization, ZN had some spare egg white and I decided to try to cook tamagoyaki (egg-white version). Hmmm... Tasteless though, despite I had added in sugar. No wonder the tamago is always in yolk.
27th Jan 2019 - One year once, our badminton session again. I realised that it is difficult to get a badminton court for continuously two hours. It depends on the speed of clicking when the window starts. Just like the badminton game, when the shuttlecock is about to move towards your direction, either you hit or miss it. But it was a good game. Thank you ZD for hosting his place for free breakfast and board game session.
28th Jan 2019 - In camp for a week, I really miss the smell of the pool. With the muscle sore (badminton session) and excitement for swimming, I had a good swim but it won't cut my fat off.
29th Jan 2019 - Finally! I got a civil pass! After many years of working as a contract, as a vendor at my workplace, treated like an outsider. Credit my HOD who doesn't mind to train me in the new job - working as an admin staff. My midlife career switch - I am so excited for it but I missed teaching already...
30th Jan 2019 - Lucky the kids still look at on me. Even though I know it won't last for long when they grow up. At least, I had carried them upwards in their life journey before, that is my mission and duty.


  1. Don't throw away your white suit, Jeffery. You look better in it than the black one. It's because you have a sunny smile. Light color brings out your friendly personality. Black looks severe - makes you look pale because of your skin tone. You look healthier in white or light color.


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