Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Product - Selk'Bag - Wearable Sleeping Bag Marvel Version

Hey Blog,

Finally the goods has arrived! I bought a Selk'bag product - wearable sleeping bag! You know I am crazed over unique and creative product; mainstream products usually can't strike my attention (like example the colour choice for swimming trunk - mainstream: dark colour, I go for white.) I have weird taste over stuff. Even the stuff I did, others will just take me weird or awkward... Anyway today I received this sleeping bag after two weeks of waiting; hmmm I must say two years of hesitation. Here I am going to share with you my experience of getting it. 

I love Captain America if you didn't realise that. :)
this is Captain Fatso!
On eBay, I came across this listing of selling Selk'bag sleeping bag - Marvel version at the price of US$75. From the main site (link), it sells for US$109 (except shipping fee) and it is expensive. And what captured my attention is the description! 

Selling Small and Medium size for US$75??? WHAT?!!!
I thought over it, I won't mind trying small and medium, then sells one of the size away on Carousel! Great deal! So I hit "buy it now" immediately! Then in the next day, the seller emailed to ask which size I want. I was like WHAT? Did he mean he sells one size and not two at that price???? But he puts 'AND' in his description!!! and there is no pull-down option for me to purchase the size I want! Even so, why can't he separate the items into two listings?????

Then he respond, He said "Including one bag" aka one of the size. WHAT?!
Oh well... until I still don't get what he meant by "including one bag" meaning one size only...
it is misleading... So I told him to put 'OR' instead of 'AND'... but he didn't buy that idea.
Well I can only blame myself for equipped lousy English but to think about it... I am still getting that product at cheaper rate, so I should not ask too much. :) Thanks God.

Funny thing is... after three days, he changed his description for his remaining listing to 'OR'.
well.. at least it helped him from any misunderstanding from others.
Okay! let's talk about the product!
WAH! what a big parcel left on my desk!
I chose Medium
Nicely packed.
Oh dear... I don't know how to fold a sleeping bag...
Marvel Logo! Genuine product!
WOW! A sleeping bag with limbs!
you can take off the 'shoes'
I put it on, and how do I look?

Officially Captain fatso! :D
So do you like it? :) I like it and honest it is very warm wearing it, I guess it will come in handly when I visit colder countries.

I tried to sleep in it overnight with air-con and fan.

- it kept me warm
- I can sleep in any position I want comfortably! 
- can take off the 'shoes' so that you still can feel the cold, they also come with unique zipping method so that you won't be confused which footing go with which side.
- show your hands so that can pick up stuff

- When you need to pee, I guess you will have to take it off from the top.
- difficult to fold back
- if you took off the footing, you will spend some time putting it back
- Others will judge me for being childish. well... Who cares!

I have to mention this :)
Selkbagusa commented on my Instagram post! :) 

For other reviews, you can check on the YouTube links below


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