Monday, April 25, 2016

Personal - Thumb up

Hi Blog,

Finally I have found my favourite hairstyle but I can't make it last.
So how? Do you like it? I think again, this hairstyle needs a lot of time to style and 'Supporting stuff' to hold its form, but in the end, without those gel/mud to support, it will drop eventually. Whatever effort that I had spent on, go back to nothingness and what do I actually gain in the end?

This week I was totally busy with my personal stuff and have no time to do anything interesting, as I was actually doing a lot of self reflection. 

Self-reflect about myself on my own negativeness. 

I am thinking over why do I sound or appear negative? I think because I will rather destroy myself first than others do, as I am not worthy enough to say I am a great person since I am a person who is imperfect. 

As I think deeper, what do those perfect people gain from being attractive, worthy or wealthy? They may gain whatever attention and appreciation from others easily... But is that what we are seeking for in life?

When come to death, whatever good/bad, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, wrong/right, all valued to nothingness

So the question I should ask myself, is why are we here? Why are we living? Is it seeking for material satisfaction? I got a strong sense of feeling that we are here to help out to tidy this messed up world!

I have to correct my mindset -  am I valued myself on exterior gain? When whatever I did has no return/gain, am I going to give up of doing it? Will I still continue to do it?

So conclusion is to only if we let go of our material desire so that we can transcend our spiritual level into another whole new level.

I told myself, while others may play their Game of Life at easy mode; I choose the difficult mode. Others may gain money, fame and whatever material desire easily, but I am going for something different in the gameplay. Well, Blog, you know me until now, I am not a follower; mainstreamer. I beg for a different in life.

So since I chose to play at hard mode, I will not complain. Even though I do envy others clear/gain easily, but I won't waste time poisoning myself with negativeness. I have learned to smile and look away, even though you might hear that from me at time to time. Just give me time, I will be immune to it. Let's give myself a Thumb up for continue playing Hard mode.

jia you! Jeff!
At time, I will have friends who will remind me and encourage me to be strong, especially V (bro who we knew from social media) and SH (Malay teacher in school), and many more.

I am glad to know that he won't hesitate on trying vegetarian food.
I learned a lot from his view on religion topics. 
Be positive in our life. Just smile and live on. It is tough but rewarding - even though we can't complete the certain stages in Game of Life, we just lose out to those winners, but in the end, it is just a game. Winner and Loser will only count on how much we bite onto it.

I thumb up myself for staying healthy.
Just recover from coughing. Health is very important.
Without good health, even if it is an easy mode on Game of Life, it will be a big problem.
At times, we tend to dream over things which actually polluted by media - make our conscience/ soul 'blind' and 'starve', we have been busy over exterior/material aspects and forgot about our interior.

those gods which beautify the whole scene, just like our dairy commercial advertisement.
we all know how a commercial works - overly boost themselves.
but in reality, it is not how it promised.

Feeling Happy at myself
No matter what, there is one Chinese saying which impact me deeply, 要知道自己的心,就看自己的心放在那裡。(direct google translation: To know his heart , to see his heart in there) Hmmmm.... Should be - To know what is in our mind, will see what our mind attach to.

So I must stay focus on what I want to do in my life. Thumb Up!


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