Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Design - Dxmxi Pri Open House Poster

Hi Blog,

Recently I was asked to design a Dxmxi Pri Open House Poster. I looked back, I realised I didn't write anything about it, so I like to share with you the experience of making it. I will start off sharing about last year design.

In 2015, I was asked to make one poster of the Open House because newly merged schools (Bedok West Primary and Dxmxi Primary). It was a big project especially that was my first year in Dxmxi Primary.

So I decided to make it Epic!

I designed it with a Godzilla Poster Concept
But the school leader doesn't like it... .She doesn't like too complex design. You know the amount of time that you spent into a poster and to make it worse, they claimed they leave the design to me aka no preference on the design. Oh well... I was wrong... and I learned that I can't be upset over this too long but to move on positively.

so I came out something simpler but yet, there are some thoughts and efforts in it,
especially the shadow behind the balloon and the little squares at the back. 
Despite of many changes in words but in general, they loved the overall design.

Okay Back to this year 2016, I designed a poster (showed below).

I decided to reuse the two mascots as the design for the poster.
Lucky the school leaders and in-charge love my work on the pupil's handbook. (link on the previous post) but I decided to improvise the colour scheme and put in more meat and curves in the two characters.

Previously I tried to add in an Easter egg in the handbook. (showed below)

But when I got back the book, I saw this error!!!
something wrong... oh my GOD!
I opened my file again..
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remembered before I finalised the handbook, I was told to shift the girl toward her right to make space and forgot to move my name....because I put in different group in Photoshop. FACEPALM!!!!!!!

This time I decided to design smart, I made this Easter Egg.

Top is the girl's name tag and bottom is the boy's name tag.
Do you know what it stands for?

The girl's name is Rxginx Young, the in-charge of this Open House Project and the boy's name tag is my name, Jeffery Wong, the designer. :)

I love how I made the characters in the poster, I am so proud of it.

School boy - I made him slightly fitter and buffed. LOL! 
I made her cuter. :D
Not to forget the bee which I came out with.
Feel free to use if you bump to my post.
Okay! Let's hope I can reuse this two characters for future design in Dxmxi Pri and no more hiccups.


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