Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Movie - Godzilla 2014 Review

Hi Blog,

Recently Movies trend, they are trying to remake movies and bringing back familiar titles which were 30-40 years ago (find out more film remakes A - M and N - Z) and they remade this exciting one, Godzilla!!! My all-time favourite when I was a teenager.

When I was a teenager, Godzilla movies captured my interest, boy-thingy; not sure about girls. There were a lot of monsters-Kaiju titles like Ultraman, Kamen rider and others. I have even collected some of the monster figures (I will dig out my collection and share with you) and interests in Japan culture too! 


Okay back to topic, Godzilla! Since 1984 Until 1995, Japan had come out many sequences of Godzilla titles.

In spite of their limited CGI effect and rubber-suit concept of monsters, I will say that we don't mind! The effort of making it, was to be creativity and made it as realistic as possible, all those deserved a lot of respect! Because it impact me! Unlike those iPad youngsters will only commented those were some lousy movies. Despise you!

Here is a Fan-made video of Godzilla.

This concept actually save more cost and faster in producing movie titles than CGI, and the effect was greater than CGI! But with Good CGI will aid the movie further. Anyway, sorry about the ranting, because it leads to the first point, Godzilla 2014 is a remake/revived famous movie title, with the power CGI effect, it will bring storm to the cinema! Check out the trailer.

Wow! So cool!!! Can't wait to catch up with my friends and we watched it together; a bunch of guys (30+ years old adult) watching it like we were young. (Play the song - we are young) after the movie, the feeling were mixed. Let me gather my thoughts first.

Positive points
1) the movie was realistic - CGI effect is great! Thanks goodness they didn't make it futuristic but more modern. The texture of the monsters were awesome!

2) well-balance between two different cultures - Japan Kaiju Godzilla monster fight and US military forces, focus on the human-movie and monster fight scenes.

3) soundtracks were epic though but....

4) the actors acted well to project the emotion part especially Bryan Cranston really bring up the suspense and Aaron Taylor Johnson, many people commented he is a bad actor, emotionless. Well as a military soldier and bad experience since young, he acted "blank" and emotionless, were the actual feeling for common people. Hmmm maybe the role for him, was too easy...

5) the monster fight was epic!!! Just wish to see more and more!!! They made you feel that you are living in Godzilla's world. The fight was so realistic and showed how a monster should fight unless the older Godzilla movie series, the Godzilla can jump up of joy like a kid. Or in Godzilla vs King Kong movie, the fight was ......

6) love the introduction in the beginning of the movie and the plot setting. :) and the Muscular Godzilla just look GREAT!

Okay negative points, well you can't have the good things for all. 
1) Godzilla fans will demand more fight scenes like pacific rim but in the movie, they teased you with it. Like the first fight scene, they just cut it into news broadcast. Well... I guess we just have to appreciate what the director's style. They can't give us everything.

2) Godzilla fans will be pissed when the Aaron Taylor Johnson scenes took 75% of the whole movie, well, balance-balance, for this first series of Godzilla we will just bite it.

3) Godzilla's laser attack/atomic breath is the only one which disappointed me a lot! Throughout the whole fight scene which we crazed for, I felt that it hardly used it, and now I know why.... It is just a freaking flame torch! When it started to glow from its tail and ready to do its Godzilla stuff, we paused and recorded the amazing moment, And it was a NOOOO!!! I Hate it!!!


4) the soundtracks were epic but pity thing... Where is the Godzilla's theme? It has been playing throughout my mind whether I see Godzilla.

5) the main doubt I have, is if Muto lays many eggs and that means there will have a lot of Mutos hatched out already instead of male and female? Or just like the shark, they are cannibalism when they are young?

Overall, this movie brings memories.

We just feel thankful that they revived Godzilla as it should be, than 1998 Zilla version.... -.- that's crap.... Zilla DIE NOW! Oh yes By the way, I love Jeremy does his movie review, do check it out. There is one non-spoiler review and spoiler review below. Enjoy.


4/5 Recommended
For those neutral movie watchers and enjoy CGI effect, but for those Monster/Kaiju fans hmmmm This movie will tease you to the MAX...

Credit those whoever owns/copyright those pictures

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