Saturday, May 31, 2014

Trip - Cameron Highland - Cactus Valley

Hi Blog,

After Lavender Farm, our next stop - Cactus Valley. You may check out the location and detail about that place. As what the place is, we are welcomed by many hundreds of different types of Cactus and other flowering plants.

They are MINE!

NO one will even push their luck on this cactus
 WAH! CHECK OUT THE SIZE OF THIS CACTUS!!!!!!! It will take many years to grow into such size!

And that place is quite less crowded as compared to Lavender Farm, so we have fun to pose and look around. For someone who cares less about plants, do try to spare some time to look at them, if not, you won't enjoy or learn anything from this trip.

Our Flower boy XD
"I'm Hungry now!!!"
"I shall take a rest."

That place is spacious but the plants are not very well maintained and give us an impression that no one cares as long as they receive money from it.... Quite disappointed. Anyway we just pose and enjoy our present with those plants.

Trying to help Zhengnan to take his picture. Hahah

At least there are some beautiful flowers around.

Look like Little Red Riding Hood XD
As we walked along, we noticed it joins up with other farms where they have tomato, vegetable, radish and many other vegetation.

What a tiring day after a long walk. We shall sit down and relax :)

Have fun trying to catch some dolls. Haha

One more last look at those tiny cactus and pose for the day!


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