Saturday, May 31, 2014

Trip - Cameron Highland - Cameron Lavender Farm

HI Blog,

We have reached Cameron Highland - Cameron Lavender Garden/Farm

You may read up more information about this Cameron Lavender.

Infront of Cameron Lavender Entrance, there is an artificial pool for tourists to take picture. Group picture will be a MUST.

Even Jump shot. XD
After RM 5 entrance fee (<

WOW! We also have to fight for a space to take group picture together among the crowd of tourists :D

Usually there will have a photographer will ask you to take a group picture. They will claim it is FREE of Charge.
In the end, They will tell you they have a photo printed service for RM 15. My friend bought it. :)
The garden is quite big and the aroma from those flowers are Heaven. (for flower sensitive friends - my apology that you can't enjoy in such place.) Then we go in higher level, there are many beautiful flowers.

They also have an interesting option for tourist to prick flower and strawberry at certain pricing. For us, we just want to move around and take picture XD

Too bad, that day we went, most of the strawberry are not ripe yet. Well.... never mind, just take PICTURES!

It was about to rain....

Nice place :) Thank you Wanqun, Su Mei, HuiSim, Chunlin and Zhengnan for sharing the some of your pictures with the blog and me.


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