Monday, January 27, 2014

Cycling - My Resurrected Bicycle

Hi Blog,

I always want to get a bicycle myself for a long time, but the only concern is that I cannot keep it at home. My mother won't like it and space constrain too. So I got very paranoid of getting one because I have to leave it outside my house.

In Singapore, bike thieves favour new and nice looking bike. So if I got a new bike and I love nice cool looking bike; high risk of being stolen and my wallet hurt. Got an average one, no where to be found... But it is still considered as a new bike, theives favourite. The only choice is to get a run down type and I can save money. Second handed bike is the only opinion.

I tried many forums selling second hand bikes in Singapore contact, it costs around $500-$1200! Are you serious?! No no...

Today I realized there is one bike waiting for me to come in touch with it. It is a bike which exchanged with our school OM. A blue rundown mountain bike! Suit my need and don't attract attention.

So I spent like nearly $100 for servings and repairs, on changing rusty wires, brakes, new mud-blocks, lightings, handle and tyres servings.

They are really expert in their field. Fix my bike in no time. 

And my bike reborn!

As you can see there are some parts rusty, I will apply life hack - coke cola to wash it :) will show you more next time.

Now my new problem is to get my bike back home. From Paris ris to Marymount is a hell distance which I have never covered before, firstly is I don't know the route and second, I am not in the right attire to cycle for long distance! But do I have a choice?

After checked up on street directory and confirmation with my friends and pupils, I am ready and go!

What do you know?

I have managed to complete the cycling!

App: RunMyMap

Now I am dead tired... Time to enter lalaland after I finished writing my post for you. :) good night Blog


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