Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Food - Sushi achievement!!!

Hi Blog,

To be honest, I am kind of stubborn in certain way. As I recalled, when I was in my secondary two or three, I love sushi a lot especially tamago sushi! The sweetness taste from that sushi was unforgettable! After that, I realized I can take sushi which sold in the any local store because of mirin content. I am a vegetarian. Mirin is commonly used in sushi making... What to do? I decided to cook my own sushi!

I started off from tamago sushi (egg sushi). After reading from a recept book from popular bookstore, I bought a rectangle pan which help to cook tamago into it beautiful form.

And the worst (it needs a lot of eggs) or best (I love eggs!) part was that I failed cooking for many attempts. I simply can't get the right taste of sweetness or get the right form of tamago. I had been trying to cook and practice for many years until now! I got it!

I feel so happy especially the colour and taste! :D
I also learned to make inari sushi and corn sushi! Quite easy actually!

But after that... I have a lot of washing to do. Haha...

Oh? Blog, you want to learn how to make tamago sushi? Here is the link :)


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