Thursday, May 24, 2012

MP3 headphone player review

Hi blog,

Today I just bought this MP3 headphone player from eBay.

I always remembered the spike of the urge of getting this headphone player, because of seeing my ex-student Kai bin wore such unique headphone which captured my attention.

In the start, I simply hate to put up ear-plugs into my ears and the wire often messed up. So I have not listened to music from whatever gadgets I have owned.

But this headphone player resolved every aspects and problems I have while listening to music.

Now I feel like a brand-new singer, pretend singing loudly with lyrics quietly and loaded with emotions! A live MTV! XD

But not many people prefer headphone as their listening tool because it is too bulky. Well I do agree with that, haha but not everything is perfect. There is always have its own pros and cons.

Live with it :)

Next thing is to buy a bigger card space! Load it with 450%!!!!



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