Thursday, May 3, 2012

iPad stylus pen hunting online

Hi blog,

Still remember the stylus pen which I wish to get hold of? Today I try online searching for the best stylus pen to compare the price and availability.

This is the website which has good reviews on stylus pen for iPad or iPhone.

The Wacom stylus pen. Bamboo has come out many amazing products. No doubt that they can come out a stylus pen for touch screen pad.

Here is the link of that product, it seems promising and it is definitely worth the price. Hmmmm... I am wondering, personally I love something different. XD So.... lets put Wacom stylus pen aside and continue my hunting!

Oh! Among the reviews of stylus pens, This one catches my attentions!
It is a Nomadbrush!

Amazing thing is, it's brush hair actually detectable! A big mystery for a stylus like this. The only worry I have is, it only means for painting. It's usage is a bit limited.

Then I continue for the next stylus, That is Cosmonaut.
To be honest, this stylus is not found in the review. I wondered how come I come across this website.

This simple crayon looking stylus seems promising and its size makes a big different from the rest of the stylus pen available in the market. Unlike the styluses in the market will make you feel like you are writing or drawing as if you are holding a pen or pencil, but Cosmonaut doesn't give you that kind of feel. Without any second thought, I placed my order for this stylus.

It will arrive by next week! :D Can't wait!

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