Saturday, August 21, 2010

Iphone experience

Hi blog,

I had used iPhone 3GS for A week, I will say it is still above my expectation except the battery life spent.

First I wanted to jailbreak it but there is no confirmed successful jailbreak online currently. I also read up that jailbreaking can enjoy certain benefits.

What is jailbreak, some students asked me?
Honestly i dont know what is the actual meaning of jailbreak is, but so far I know, it is about break/hack into their firmware. Apple firmware has certain restriction on their gadget, restrictions like

- can't customize ringtone, own wallpaper
- can't receive or send music or pictures through Bluetooth
- can't download many other apps which are not registered
- no creative theme at all

But that is not what we are hoping for our iphone. As for jailbreak, you can do those above. But Personally i dont like the word jailbreak, this word sound like I am doing something illegal n dangerous. Just feel uncomfortable. Unless someone can do it for me, haha...

No matter what, I have not jailbreak-ed yet. I went and downloaded nearly size pages full of free apps including games and utilities apps. (next time I will share with you some of the apps I downloaded)

As what I have shared, what entertain me the most, is the iPhone apps. It is Above my expectation. Love to get some more.

Next is to access Internet in my own hands, I can access facebook or check mails with my iPhone. Best can post to you blog when laying on my bed. Haha fun!!

The touch screen also surprisingly satisfy. At first the iPhone keypad was a disappointment, as the keypads are too small. I still prefer to the old type of keypad, bit iPhone keypad include a smart typing function which helps you along the typing and correct you instantly. That is really amazed me a lot. Maybe I am old, cannot accept or try new stuffs. Not very healthy in a way, I should learn and try new things and ideas. Thanks iPhone

But only the battery life is too short. It can only last me 5 hours, so meaning I need to buy another extra charger to charge in case. Well, that still manageable.

iPhone 4 will be good. But At least I got a smart phone now. I am happy with it. What nice about is, I will play some games before I sleep. Haha...

Well it is late now. I will play one game and sleep. See you blog


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