Monday, August 23, 2010

Music Video for Jeff's Month - Vanilla Twilight

Hi blog,

I like to share with you one song that I used to sing and listen practically everyday. The song title is 'vanilla twilight' by OwlCity.

Why I love this music? Two main points, one is that I love the voice of that singer, his nice clean vocal. It is difficult to find another English singer who owns such beautiful vocal. Second, I love the music video very much. what make me love a song, it is usually the music video. You can feel the soft touch in the heart from that video, can't you? 好感动!

But weird issues are some people who just do not like it at all. They said that his voice is too girlish and his look is just too gay-ish. You can search him online. Blah blah blah...

Well, whatever the reason is, beauty lays on each one eyes. Even a flawless people whose kindness will still turn out a flaw in their eyes. So arguing over this small issue does not gain me anything; even though some people will say "no, you gained a victory, someone who can appreciate the song and make you feel you own a eye of good judgment." sound good? but that is a childish act.

Important point is 'knowing the reasons why I like the song', better than just just like song blindly or just purely like it.

I love singer like Guang liang. His singing style somehow like owlcity. Sings with emotion. Sweet!! Maybe because most of his songs are usually heartbreaking, but one thing for sure, you won't get sick over it.

Next is about the video. Just look at the sky! It is so beautiful!! I feel like I am staring at the vanilla sky with my jaws almost dropped off its joint and eye balls nearly popped out from it's socket. LoL

From the picture and video, it is actually the Eye of the storm. How beautiful nature can be. Praise God for such wonderful sight which connect everyone's heart. For me, below is what I thought of vanilla twilight.

Haha... Funny enough, after I posted this. I saw the sky at park view primary school on Monday 24th Aug 2010. Somehow looks like vanilla twilight, eye of the storm but less calmer.

For those who want to view more cloud formation, Mammatus cloud (which looks more vanilla to me, click on this link I found.) :D Talk to you again. I am going to sing that song again!!


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