Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second strike! Kidney stone!

Hi blog,

I went to hospital due to second strikes of kidney stone attack. This time it was bearable, as I learned from x-ray that the stone struck in my urinal tube. I sensed that it was moving downward toward my bladder. Good new! But painful...

I can't pee!!!!!!

Can you imagine you have the feeling of peeing but there is no urine at all?!

What I feel disgusted, is the doctor suggested to do operation to remove the stone. He explained that he will have to put a tube from my 'brother' to drag the stone out.

What!!!!!??? HELL NO!!!

My mother suggested the doctor to do it now, and I tried my best to seek for alternative method.

So I chose to take two jabs at my back pelvis area than the tubing from my 'brother'. Even though I hate needle so much, because I hate when the nurse show off her needles infront my poor little butt and JAB! Argh!!!

After a while of 'enjoying' the jab, I didn't feel pain anymore. Thanks God, it was over.

But does it?

When I stood at the counter to settle bill, I brought back the 'pain' home.....


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