Thursday, May 14, 2020

Trip - Thomson Nature Park Revisit

Good Morning Blog,

Today I was clearing my leave because 50% of my 2019 remaining leave will be gone by June; I had six more days carried from 2019 so meaning three days will be gone. Due to the situation of CB, when many people can't travel/clear their leave during this period. If they don't have such measurement, there will be many leave carried forward to next year. I have colleagues have carried many days of leave like around 24 days. Oh my Gosh!

Good Weather today and since I was on leave since CB period, I decided to visit a place.
The Thomson Nature Park. Previously, I had visited there for several occasions. You can check out my Pre-visit and First Opening post.

Wanted to go for the hike earlier as it was sunny now
I bought my tripod out for today great support
Remember to wear a mask out today
Despite it was sunny but the sky was clear. No wonder, Mr Sun was so strong today when Miss Cloud was not around.
I guessed I will bring Mr Sun out with me today. Hahaha...
At least I won't be alone during the hike
Today Thursday (usual weekday) was rather lesser visitors than weekends.
Today I will enter from a different routine
So are you following? Come in!
Quiet path for me during this trip
Mr Sun helped me to project lighting on the nicely made web. Picture worthy!
This part of the Thomson Nature Park is a less walked one.
Lucky I got my tripod along and without any visitor, take my sweet time to take pictures
What a clean path - Despite the park was closed (car park), the park cleaner still maintain this park's cleanliness.
Oh man, I started to sweat underneath the mask, sweaty!
Hi Big tree here. We meet again and you can spend some time with Mr Sun, as he got bored during the CB based.
Let's look at the clean path
I took my own sweet time to let mosquitoes to feed this white fat meat
I love this shot where I am surrounded with Nature but can't do so when there is people around.
I guess I will have to explore more here quietly
This flower got my attention as it flowered everywhere
Hmmm... Can really spend a great time here
Mr Sun, have you visited this place before? hmm... Haha Mr Sun was busy chit chatting with the plants.
Two ways and I will always like to visit this direction
Because of this completed ruin here.
Beautiful ruins around here
Let me show you around. (side note. How come I didn't wear my mask... I torn my mask accidentally)
Entrance of the ruin
I wonder how tall this building was before?
I tempt to enter this toilet for a good look but the mosquitoes were screaming for free food!
The plants hold the wall well and can you imagine the height of this building... How can a tall people stay here?
At least, the height won't be a trouble for the plants. OH! There is another room at the far end.
Another room! And there is a toilet in this room. I didn't enter further as I feel this is the quietest portion for the "good friend". Sorry to disturb.
Another connected room and the trees took over this place.
ooooooooo! This window explains everything! The height of this building. :D Yes! Tall people can stay here.
Let's continue further
Left turn down the slope
Mr Sun wanted to walk along this path
Interesting strangler fig plant which is unique in nature. You can google it to see how come they get that name.
Check out the footsteps from the past
Just a wide pavement along the way
I bet you saw this bamboo in my previous posts. Do try to take pictures with it before it got worse.
Did you spot something here? No, nothing here. Hahaha.
More strangler fig plants here but this one is wiped aside.
I guess it needs to be tidied before it got worse and thicken
OOOO! Look at the ground when the strangler plant thicken.
Interesting pavement here. I can sense how the past lived their life.
If the palm plants stretch throughout the pavement
Perhaps Mr Sun's lighting support too bright, I can't take many pictures well in the open.
The plants are more well-grown and settled here than my first visit.
It seemed like my camera battery is running low.
I can't walk deeper and tried to take some last few pictures then leave the quiet park.
The overgrown plants as compare the first taken image below.
Thomson Nature Park (11th Feb 2019)
This map will stay no matter when it is except Mr Sun's lighting strength.
Even though, Mr Sun was bright but Miss Sky was beautifully blue.
Do come for Thomson Nature Park after CB was over.
A few shots with the beautiful rock. Need to leave memory together
Time to go back home. Hope you guys are safe at home and remember to bring an extra mask, just in case, it torn. I have to hold the mask on my face before I become sovereign news.
Updated on 19th May 2020
I revisited Thomson Nature Park for a short visit and captured some shot of the plants and animals there, but Miss Rain arrived the park which I had to end my hike.

Spent some time to admire small little things in nature.

Anyway, I had to get out of that place because of this...

Because I was alone, becoming easy target for mosquitoes. Hahaha


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