Sunday, February 27, 2022

Trip - Wild Wild Wet

Hi Blog,

Today my friends and I decided to go to Wild Wild Wet because WC and XY have not been here before, I also had not visited this place for more than ten years plus, and most importantly, I got free tickets! :D

Oh my! The Wild Wild Wet had changed a lot!
It is also a great opportunity for me to document the whole experience like Sentosa Adventure Cove and compared our experience for these two places.

After checking the price for the adult entry... I was stunned... I don't remember it costs that much in the past... If I can remember, it should be around 20-28 range for an adult... the price tag is always the turning off factor... Same price as Sentosa Adventure Cove. If it was not a free ticket, I think I will just admire Wild Wild Wet from outside.
The logo of Wild Wild Wet is still the same.
Our first challenge photo session here - It was so difficult to have a quiet moment for group photos when children and some unaware adults stepped into our frame and if the water splashing didn't damp my camera; it will be a great reflection.
Here seems spacious and open as compared to Cove
Looking at the map - Compared to my last visit here, the orange theme rides are the newer instalment. I guess the new instalment will increase the price naturally.
Let's get ourselves ready and experience the rides
Wow! The toilet especially the tile layout is amazing
Looks like a maze which is amazing
Also, a clean toilet which I noticed the hardworking crew will try to maintain its cleanliness.
Yellow gradient shower area
and a fat fat gradient body
First park for kids - Splash Play
I wanted to take pictures there but a grow-up adult especially in as disgusting like me, stepped into this zone, will only be judged to the death.
The Kidz Zone for kids - simple slides and they can use their imagination to hype themselves.
Fat adult like me should play adult slides!
oooo! this one is new! We have never tried before.
Oooo! There are three slides intertwine one another - Vortex, Free Fall and Kraken Racers
Just look at the art of the twining and feel the speed of it - In there, excitement and love from the creators desired.
Love the Kraken Racers which you can race with your friends and it is scary and fun.
There are two slides which I hesitated... Vortex and Free Fall.
Free Fall is the worst... I can't do it... because of the steepness of the slide
Eventually, I gave it a try and it was so fast, my trunk became a G-string due to friction... I exited quickly even though the lifeguard clapped for our courage.
Jacuzzi - I wondered why they closed it... I guess it was due to social distancing.
Tsunami also closed at certain timing and only half of the area was utilized. I guess maybe they are shortage of staff.
Quite standard for Tsunami, don't need anymore explanation.
Royal Flush - Ah! This one looks fun but kind of short though... I don't mind try it once but it was under maintenance.
next slide - Slide Up! We could not do this because it closed during certain timing.
Professor's Playground - don't be misleaded by the title, this playground is for young kids so the only adult should be there, are their parents; not disgusting man like me to walk around this area. But I really want to check it out though...
Heavy rain started to build up, Miss Sky needed to shower the whole country but we had not cleared most of the slides. Next stop, Ular-lah and Waterworks, these two are first two main slides in the past, and now they have a new slide, Torpedo...
When I stepped to the new platform, Torpedo, witnessed how it works... Basically, you stand into a capsule then the platform below you will open and you will have a spilt second free fall then slides your way out... I chicken-out and waited for the guys to clear this slide.
I can't take height or sudden drop that well... After trying the Free Fall previously, I won't want to try it again. 😂
Yippee! - while waiting, I saw this kid's water ground seemed rather empty.
I noticed the ring without any kids around
Snapped a few pics but sadly... I was not in the center of the ring... Bad picture...
After trying most of the slides, last one will be lazy river aka Shiok River.
We were quite tired now maybe because the cold rain dampened our head but we prefer Cove's lazy river because it has many beautiful "sceneries" while we drifted along...
Last picture to end the trip as my camera was lower in battery life, I guess my camera has enough of an ugly man to pose throughout.
Wanted to capture the moment when I stepped on the water but I stood there for like good five minutes and it didn't shoot until I put my foot down... What a troll...
Okay then, time to bath and leave this place. Maybe we'll visit again when time allowed.
A pic of an amazing graffiti drew by some unknown artist. He or she drew skillfully, really admire that level of work.
Who will forget to snap a picture here? :)
I found there is a video recorded by a YouTuber, from what I had read, he actually seek approval for carrying camera with him to document the whole experience, which was great. You can check it out.
While waiting in the queue, XY and WC would throw in some feedback about Wild Wild Wet; they will tend to compare Sentosa Adventure Cove with this place and in general, they tend to prefer Cove over WWW, due to maybe WWW rides look rather mild or on the safe side, even though, WWW has many new features over Cove. I guessed... It is the overall theme that the water theme park gives. Cove is rather focus on the overall theme more than WWW whereas randomly snaps a water slide from no where.

Personally, I will say WWW has a special place in every Singaporeans' heart especially the adults when we were young. We don't ask for more and enjoyed the moments with friends. It is the nostalgic feeling that brings me back to this place and glad to see and experience the new expansion of WWW. Hope you try WWW once with your friends.


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