Sunday, February 20, 2022

Trip - British Outpost

Hi Blog,

After my first urbex with the experts, looking through their pictures, I found many gems and directions from them. This time round was shared by Nic, it was Britsh Outpost and pin-pointed by Nylan, so... let's GO!!!

I picked a hot afternoon so that I won't bump into any morning bird-hikers who might be hiking there.
But to be honest... I was so tired...

Yawning.... Checking on the map and thinking... how to travel there.
I guess... If I let myself stick to the comfortable couch, I won't get up again.
Ah, Mr Sun and Miss Sky, Thank you for clearing the sky for me today. I won't want to explore muddy ground.
Hmmm... based on the map, the British Outpost hides within this rural elite area... I see... I won't reveal the location here... best to keep it hidden.
Hmmm, What is fun about exploration is finding something from a 2D map to reality and that is exciting! :)
To be honest, This is my first time stepping foot in this place, it looks so new to me.
I guess I know why it is new because I am not smart enough to be associated with this place. Only the elite and smart ones will have the privilege to.
For me, I will just stay focused on my objective today then exit
Based on the map... I was quite closed.
Hmm... All these tall walls...
Tada! Found the entrance!
It seems clear...
Slippery ground up to...
get to the platform (drainage) Checking on the map app, I was on the right path.
A straight path from here
Hmm... so it was not all the way until the end of the drainage...
It seemed like there is a path up to the slope.
As I observed, yes there is a slight path drawn out from the past.
I believe it should be this path.
Based on these two maps, they might have similar or additional routes, which is useful to navigate. I took the right map to guide my path.
After a short wandering around and yes, I found the British Outpost - 1936 Block 4.
A place which was forgotten... You can click here to read some information about it
Feeling great like a new discovery found by me even though this place has been visited by many, but more like a celebration for myself of being able to find it.
Here is not heavily consumed by Mother Nature so much but just give another 50 years, this place won't look like this anymore.
If I stood here, will I also be consumed by it? Haha
Let's check the condition inside the outpost
Hmm... Rundown but still manageable.
Lets explore further into the rooms
Check out the kitchen area here.
And same toilet design to my first urbex exploration last week... The kind of toilet which I don't like...
This place is dark but I just disturbes the mosquitoes' cooking moment...
Ah. This place might be a storeroom...
Because there is no window in this room.
Similar to the next room and the wall is rather "solid" that if you got captured in there, no one can hear you screaming for help.
Hmm... This one is definitely a room for something.
Pose first before moving onto the next outpost
This one is 1936 block 4
There is a stair up...
To the next block, this one is 1936 block 3 which seems larger than block 4
Oh man, the mosquitoes were very hungry here
You can't stay in one spot for too long.
There are two blocks in block 3 and more or less, they look identical.
Identical yes but from the window and layout, they served different purposes.
Checking every single room and...
Empty and clean which is good.
Something new and luxury is the toilet; they got a bathtub! XD
1936 Bk 3
Tall building structure
Hmm... OH?
Nice beautiful pot here. :D There is another one at the back. How I wish I can bring it back but it will be funny to see an ugly man carrying an ancient pot and take public transport...
Anyway back to the room, this block has a bigger room... Looks like their bunk-room.
Let's check the left side building of block 3
Hmmm there was some activity here like someone stayed here before.
Actually the solid wall makes me feel safe to stay with some wiring and cleaning
The big window seems airy enough, must be some official's bunk.
Hmm... Why is there a wooden panel blocking this partition?
Hmmm... identical to block 4 but much cleaner
Let's have an epic shot here - bathing in the light ray
Very interesting place - I wanted to dress up with my Spidey costume but... the mosquitoes and ants here were just too overwhelming so I gave up...
OOoo! Some more building up the stair.
Based on the map, this is named as Former 1936 British Outpost
Hmm... More or less the same as the block 3 and 4.
Nothing much though and I wanted to explore further... But... I received a phone call which required my attention... Some job related issue... So I will have to go back home ASAP.
I know there is a water tank near the outpost, I didn't expect to see this! Haha oh man! There is a shortcut! But it was a blessing in disguised because I might risk myself from returning to the steep slope.
I believe this spot could be a path to access the outpost.
Ahhh... I thought I can enter to this place openly.
I guessed I will just snap a few pictures and take it as I had visited this place. :)
Oh man, what a short hike and need to rush back... I will visit this place again
The amount of dusts and webs, worst of all...
Mosquitoes' kisses
I reflected upon myself... Why I am into this urbex experience... Mainly, it added different experiences to my journey and I like the joy of discovery. Like as if we are given a direction/idea on certain thing, and we make our ways and sense of direction to reach the destination/result. Subconsciously, it motivates and reminds me that I can do it; and also uniquely experienced by ourselves. I can say, I definitely feel confident a bit more as comparing the days when I was younger. But I need to be humble as I have a lot to be discovered and improved upon.


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