Sunday, November 26, 2017

Personal - Random November

Hi Blog,

It seemed like to have a random post for every month tidy my blog entries, usually about my workout shots; but I am glad to have a unique way to present my random moments of the moment.

Here are my random moments :)

1st Nov 2017 - Decided to go for jogging on Wednesday, but half way feeling like a need to "bomb" first... So ended up, I came back home to "bomb" and late for jogging...
3rd Nov 2017 - TGIF! Finally I can go for a jog with good weather. I decided not to take pictures of my jogging route as I already ran out of ideas!
6th Nov 2017 - Running out of ideas, I tried to take one or two. My random post for the month began a lot of my jogging workout. Pardon me! Hahaha!
8th Nov 2017 - Today I decided to try a short haircut. I was learning to accept myself in short hairs, even though I still found comfortable with my previous one.
8th Nov 2017 - Jogging with short hair did help to keep my hairs to go weird parting and at the same time, I lost 0.5kg! Hahaaha! Some achievement!
12th Nov 2017 - Oh! Man, I missed the swimming pool so much and hopping onto BP's keen on swimming, we managed to swim during the afternoon when it was less crowd and great sun. :)
14th Nov 2017 - Today Evening swim, I decided to wear c-in2 swimwear. Honestly, I like the overall design but the cutting... How I wish they can make one like their undies cutting than Brazilian cutting... Have to sell it away....
15th Nov 2017 - Not Feeling Well... I realized that I cannot take vegetarian herbal noodle/肉骨茶麵, if I ate one, after an hour, I will feel weak and headache. After many years later, I decided to give it a try, maybe I might overcome it but who knows that the outcome came worse than I expected. I got headache, stomach flu, cold and weak. Thanks goodness the teachers and school leaders were very understanding and allowed me to rest. Well, too bad I am a workaholic if there is some unfinished works, then I won't rest. Stubborn me!
16th Nov 2017 - Even though I don't feel well, but I was still feel better. So I decided to go for a short swim before meeting. I felt my body is plain and normal. To be honest, I know I am not super model and why am I taking pictures of myself in trunk every time? I only have one thought, is to treasure the moment before I went old and rust; now I just simply embrace it whether I can. Another one is to like myself of what I am.
17th Nov 2017 - I was glad that N expands his interest in photography :) this shot was adjusted by him and I was proud to put include in my ig memory. Whatever he did, made me remember PV ex students too... :,) Well, time flies... everyone has grown up and memory fading.... At least It has a bit of strength to courage me to pull through even though I still suffer from stomach flu...
21st Nov 2017 - My first time wearing the grey trunk exposing all my tanning line. Embarrassing.... Hahha.
22nd Nov 2017 - My last moment taking pictures in the lab, I will surely miss those days.
22nd Nov 2017 - One thing which made me happy, was my weight reduced from 74kg - 70kg! :)

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