Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hobby - Exercise Days for this Month

Hey Blog,

It is March School Holiday which mean I can cycle to my workplace. I have not been riding on my fatbike - Blackie for nearly three months! Here are some of the exercises I did for the whole week.

12 March (Saturday)
I have been wearing my white trisuit out especially going for a hiking trip with anyone. Ked who is my ex-colleague in PV, want to train himself for the future hiking trip he planned. Well, I just have to be myself, if he judged, then I will avoid to wear it with others.  

waiting for him
It was a refreshing trip where we covered more than 11 km from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah, and If you noticed I didn't bring any water equipment, nearly dehydrated but still managed to pull through and ended our day training. Haha he still wants to go for next day! FIERCE! Hahah :D okay! let's GO!

13 March (Sunday)
Same thing I met him at the same place and started our hiking trip and this round, we were going up to the summit! So I brought a carrier with water bottle. 

Selfie and yes!
This is my second time to climb up to the Bukit Timah summit. What a. exciting experience.

Bukit Timah Summit. :)
Next time we decide to walk from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah then walk back again. Hahaha... What a plan. okay! On!

16 March (Wednesday)
Woke up early in the morning, wore my favourite gear - Tron Cycling Jersey and started my training. 

happy to see my bike park infront of my desk
Getting fat now...
17 March (Thursday)
I thought I might give up... NO! I have to pull myself to cycle to work, if not, I won't have a chance. At least there is low possibility for raining Thursday. 

Thanks God for greeting me with a beautiful sun rise!
Today something happened! On my way home, I stopped at a junction near to a mini construction site. (below)

can't see much from this picture
It explode (ejected) out a mixture of cray and cement onto me.

Look at the amount of "mud" spilled onto me.
my Fatbike tyres marking can be seen clearly.
my cycling gear!
Oh my God! 
Look at the mess!
some people said my bike has nice markings (patterns)
Seriously Hahaha I agree in some sense.
oh dear....
What have they done?
Hmmm... in typical situation or people would have scolded or seek justice from the construction workers, but I didn't. I was quite calm and checked my bike whether is it washable? Thanks God it is. They didn't do this in purpose, I must say I am just pure "Lucky". Anyway at least, I can take this chance to wash my fatbike!

I bought this washing glove since last year, now I can use it :D
Thanks Goodness. :) I am happy with myself. Hope I can be that calm when anything that comes.

A selfie in my new jersey!
I feel that Red suits me a lot. :)
18 March (Friday)
My third day of cycling, I thought of taking a break but no! I must pull through, because after this, I won't be able to make time to cycle again. So I wore my jersey and moved out!

thanks God for good weather
Smile for today
I realised my fatbike still dirty, so I washed my bike in school and

leave it dry outside staff room
Today I brought a t-shirt to wear over because our school leader doesn't like me in disgusting gear, well... I understand I am Fat and doesn't look nice in cycling gear, that is the fact and reality. Well... I will just move on.
Just smile and break away the pattern of my ugly attire.
well... to think again, it is better - at least avoid people from staring at me awkwardly.
Do you like it?
19 March (Saturday)
Despite of my sore legs, today I decided to soak myself in the pool. Cooling..... And swim for a few rounds. Lazy Fat me :D

Just Smile I just be myself.
Right? blog
Smile for today :)
Thank you blog. :) See you again



  1. Wow you look really hot in the white 2xu tri suit! Wanna meet up one day and workout tgt?

    1. Hahaha thanks for your KINDEST Compliment.
      Not REALLY hot, just trying to be.


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