Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hiking - Found Singapore Quarry

Hi Blog,

YIPPEE! There is a March Public Holiday - Good Friday! Guess what will I do on that day? Attending meetings and meetings........ LOL but I still tried some ways to get myself to work out at least. 

So I cycled to a simple meeting place at Punggol and was thinking of continuing cycling to Changi village but it was cancelled due to rain. Well... I shall cycle back alone.

cooling lonely night
After cycling night, the next day morning is hiking! K wanted to train himself and I shall accompany him, then took a lot of selfies! Again our route is from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah! Let's GO!

Thanks God that I don't feel legs sore.
Crowded with people
We decided to go up to Tree Top and then continue to Bukit Timah.
That is K.
He is my ex-colleague, thank you for cracking jokes during our walk.
Fat me pose at Tree Top
Pardon for my Nerdy shxtty look.
long long stairs
We tried a new route. Where are we going to?
Pose for the new Route!
Hahaha K can't stand me for taking a picture of myself. LOL
Strong water current!
New connected route!
Save 20 mins walk!
During my hiking, I saw this nymph casing. this is Cicada 蟬 typically live in trees and feeding on sap. Most cicadas are noisy creatures - singing loudly like the sound of a nature. One special thing about cicadas, is they spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years. If not, we won't be seeing this easily. Lucky me :)

Watch the video about Cicadas
- Amazing Cicadas Life Cycle
- Cicadas: The dormant army
Why Are Cicadas So Good At Math?

Website about Cicadas
Information about Cicadas in Singapore
Walk walk and continue walking
he was about to pose his middle finger. Hahaha
Another new route! After Rifle Range Camp 1, there is a small road which leads to Serapong Road Path
Nice work :D
Check out the cycling track which leads to Belukar Track.
Close my eyes OOPS!
Brave cyclists!
they are not supposed to cycle here but well, they ignore it anyway.
Manage to get a picture of a new route and we decided to go to Singapore Quarry!
are you ready? Jeff
After nearly an hour plus of walking, we finally reached the destination - Singapore Quarry!

WAH!!!!! Nice view!
Overall View
My ugly face and beautiful quarry. Big contrast!
Say Cheer!
Despite all the walking, I am still fat! XD
Just do a jump shot anyway! I have not been doing jump shots for a long long time!
What about this? Mario Jump!
Epic Shot for the day!
Okay! I won't disgust you anymore with my fat round body. Hahaha. You may continue to look around.
wah.... So sunny and hot weather.
Right? :)
Achievement Unlocked!
I will come back again!
Found this Railway track! :D wow! nice!
Add on another hour-long walk through this route - Hindhede Way. :)
So Sorry Blog, I didn't open my GPS to track down the distance which we had covered, but we will do it again. :) Okay I am hungry... fill up my fat tummy now. By the way... Blog, am I making others feel uncomfortable for wearing Trisuit for hiking and having lunch at Beauty World? Hmmmm I guess due to my ugly body figure, I will bring a shirt along after I have done with the walk. If not, I might disgust people.... How I wish my body can complement the beautiful trisuit. Oh well.... Who cares anyway.....


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