Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Personal - Saving Snail Experience

Hey Blog,

A quick post today. Usually I won't check on walls, but today I sensed that I should look up and guess what I found? I found a wild snail "parking" at third floors up.

Weird? How it gets there?
Anyway, I feel that this snail must have climbed and ended up - It can't make a U-turn down due to the pull of its shell. All it can do is to climb up, but three floors high is too much for a snail. So I decided to save it!

:) Saved. I checked carefully, the snail is hiding DEEP inside its shell.
it must be extremely dry/thirsty. Then I washed it with tap water. 
So I put it in the garden and hope it will stay alive. After my lessons, I checked the location, it was gone. :D Thanks God.


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