Monday, February 15, 2016

Personal - My CNY week

Hi Blog,

Sorry for being away for a long time, because last week it was a Chinese New Year celebration week, together with my high key reservist week and foreveralone Valentine's Day. I will share with you some moments of how I spent during those days, long post though.

On the Chinese New Year Eve (07 Feb 2016: Sunday), catch up with Wilson, my swimming buddy and bro for a short swim. After 8 laps, (I wished I can do 10 laps, but too bad I can't...) I decided to take a snapshot of both of us, hoping we can slim down in this coming Monkey year.

Smile! bro!
Hahaha! his face was puzzled of what was I doing infront of mirror.
well... you are in the picture!
After swim, I went back home to pack some of clothing and helped up preparing some food for our family reunion dinner -  We will be having a steamboat session.

cutting mushrooms and vegetables.
Steamboat is ready!
Have a heavy filling steamboat session, my sister and I just sat back and watched some videos on the smartTV, then after that, I traveled to Aunt Helen's place for prayer.

And like other years, I will burn mid-night oil to draw this year zodiac - Monkey on my iPad, using an app - Sketchbook Pro. I get all the references of monkey online so that I copied then modified.

MOnkey New Ear!
You like my drawing? :)

On the 1st Day of Chinese New Year (08 Feb 2016: Monday)

hmmmmm well... as usual, 1st day of CNY, we will visit my mother's elder brother house, where most of my relatives will be gathered. I decided to wear something simpler and plain this time round; since no one bothers anyway.

yup. Just a hoodie and short.
I was very upset to see my cousins avoided me in any way, yes I was a bit over-sensitive as they have nothing much to talk to me anymore, or even I wanted to find out more about their updates - their response was short and bland. I am okay with that... but it won't be nice when I was inside the room, you guys stood outside until I stepped out.... Very disappointing.........

well..... at least the youngs didn't fail to make me smile.

Okay I admit it is boring.........

so I decided to smile and don't think again, until....
I feel great potential future partner treated me as bro..........
I gave up; I am not looking for one another already... I have enough of this crap.... I am worse than a bad guy. Just let my stupid and weak genes pool completely removed!

On 3rd Day of CNY (10 Feb 2016: Wednesday), my reservist starts!

getting ready to go back to Sungei Gedong Camp for reservist!
SELFIE first!
Fitting into my smelly boots.
How you like it?
I took more than one hour to reach that camp and lost in there, carrying the heavy bag. When I managed to find my reservist unit - Armor HQ, I realised that I am the only one who carried full bag. The rest claimed that the letter stated we bring our personal belongings, so I was a fool, but never mind, I just trained myself.

My high key reservist was quite a simple task - I won't need to go out-field or stay-in! So for the whole one week, we simply helped out tidying certain stuff, ensure certain documents and fulfilled simple duties.

We were given afternoon Off - I can go back home earlier and relax  - NO ONE AT HOME! MUSIC! UNDIES!
On 4th Day of CNY (11 Feb 2016: Thursday), we traveled to another camp to have some ideas of our duties on Friday and next Monday! Hahaha... We car-pool together and drove out in snake formation - quite exciting. 

Spot a vampire fly 'riding' with us.
Half day done! Go home!


On 5th Day of CNY (12 Feb 2016: Friday), Our main duty was on Friday - help out at a Navel ship for a celebration. Selected personal including me, were tasked to direct the guests to load on ship.

bought a red shirt (a bit tight; kind of regret) and traveled to Changi Navel Base
Lucky I searched online - there are free shutter bus at Tanah Merah MRT
but only Navy personal can load onto this bus. 
My last shoot for that day because no camera phone is allowed in that camp. 
What an awesome experience, even thought I made some stupid mistakes.... (can't reveal much) but the Encik Warrant Nicholas was kind and explained to me patiently. If I was sign-on or worked in the department, I will confirm continue to be his friends.

On 6th Day of CNY (13 Feb 2016: Saturday), home visit to Mrs Yap's house - PVPS Alumni gathering. Mrs Yap had made us a steamboat lunching.

start steaming
Big big family.
they are wondering what am I eating, because I am a vegetarian. 
spent some time chatting with Zhenghui.
adding more stuff into the boat.
Wefie after a few rounds of game!
Wefie from different angle
On 7th Day of CNY (14 Feb 2016: Sunday), I realised that I had been eating and eating for the past few days. This day was a Valentine's Day - Gosh! I hate this day!!!!! Plus I have to eat eat.... 

my brother hosted a house-warming at his place
but lucky, my brothers (we know one another since 1995) spent some time with us.
family photo
FAT FAT photo
On 8th Day of CNY (15 Feb 2016: Monday), my last day of reservist - to ensure NSmen in-pro at the right place, nothing much for that morning. It was a very short service for my reservist. 

Latest shot while I am in green.
Overall, I had great and bad times during this CNY but I have to be strong, whatever it comes to me... I have to learn to thanks Heaven for arrangement and apologised for being emotional over my cousins and that girl issue.......... I will try again.

Thanks Xuanyi for sending this meme to keep me reminded that I am not a lousy person.

I won't wait - If I have it, it will come no matter what.
Happy New Year to blog. :)


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