Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hiking - Get my lazy butt up

Hi Blog,

Today morning I decided to force myself out from bed after my reservist week and today is my off day but I decide to go for a simple walk around MacRitchite, so it will be a short post.

Nice weather and no rain 
Start jogging!
Sunny weather - oh Hot.
I meant the weather.
Stand under the shade - Cool!
Okay I just had to go through under this soaring weather.
Too much LIGHT
Rest awhile under the shade.
Okay I should get myself going than slacking.
why not I just enjoy bathing under the sun?
Epic pose for the day!
Butterfly followed me awhile.
on my head and body
Love hiking in this place.
Enjoy the whole walk and hope I can continue doing so, to cure my laziness.


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