Sunday, June 30, 2024

Blog - June Overview

Hi Blog,

As we reach mid-2024, it's a good time to reflect on personal growth and positive changes.

Upon introspection, I have observed a recurring pattern in my approach to friendships.
Hmm... 🤔 I've observed a recurring pattern: I tend to feel upset or disappointed with my friends. Rather than typing and contemplating, I will consult ChatGPT (boring content of my past experience) and then make revisions for myself.

3rd June 2024 - Trisuit Theme #99
(Click here to read more)

4th June 2024 - Yesterday I wanted to go for a jog, but it was stormy and rained. Today, Miss Sky still wanted to wash the Earth but it ended up, that she didn't cover my jogging path (not raining at all), I took the opportunity to water my plants and thoroughly clean my air conditioner. Thanks Uncle A and SKK for lending your helping hands to unscrew and the guidance on how to wash an aircon.

5th June 2024 - What good weather, how will I miss this opportunity? It has been a while since I wore my white suit for a jog or hike. No change in the suit but just me getting fatter. 🫠

6th Jun 2024 - In light of the issues I previously discussed with ChatGPT, I have come to recognize the crucial importance of being a good friend to myself. Much like when I swim, I do it alone as a matter of preference. I used to believe that non-demi gods individuals like me, would likely have few friends. However, I have made the decision to discard such negative thoughts. I now affirm to myself that I must be a good friend to myself.

7th Jun 2024 - Thanks, Otter, for assisting me in making sushi for tomorrow's event. Fortunately, your assistance was valuable, especially since I have a friend with a seaweed allergy. Separating the sushi was the most wise approach. My friend felt touched to be able to retake sushi.

8th Jun 2024 - Finally, after two months of constant online meetings and a two-week delay in deciding whether we should book a chalet, we were so grateful that we were able to secure it. What are the chances, especially during the June holiday? Plus, it's been over 20 years since our last approved chalet stay. I remember having fun with others at the chalet when I was young. We had a great time with team bonding games, food, and movie sessions. The young ones had so much energy to burn!... 😴

9th Jun 2024 -It was a beautiful sunrise and a great way to acknowledge our efforts. I woke up early for a short swim at the chalet, even though we only had a few hours of sleep after the late-night movie sessions. I didn't want to miss out on using the facilities, and I was surprised to see other guests already using it. To make things more awkward, the guests, especially the parents, gave me judgmental stares when they saw me swimming. It made me feel out of place as if I wasn't good enough for them to ignore their judgmental attitudes. Anyway, I had done fulfilling my swimming crave, time to go back and pack up for...

9th Jun 2024 - I had a cosplay event in the afternoon today! It was the first time I received a fee for cosplaying. If I can do this often, I can save up to buy a new suit. although I usually prefer volunteering for meaningful causes. While not substantial, the payment would ease the cost of my next suit purchase this month. Perhaps, I just cut down on having meals outside too, since I had taken a lot of food during the chalet.

10th Jun 2024 - My older brother surprised me with the beetle plushie that I wanted from Taiwan. Interestingly, he didn't even know about it. It felt like a gift from Heaven. Thank you to him and Heaven.

11th Jun 2024 - I recently discovered a YouTuber discussing three horror manga books by Masaaki Nakayama. I purchased his manga and found three omnibus edition copies on Amazon. No regrets! As a manga fan, I can easily spend hours engrossed in the manga world, sitting on the floor surrounded by bookshelves. Reading horror manga (especially these series titled PTSD Radio) is definitely a big no-no for me. This manga's chapters feature a variety of horror short stories, some of which connect at certain points. Each chapter is named after a specific radio frequency and continues the previous chapter's story. But what made it interesting, was that the artist and his team quit writing, you can read more details of what happened to his team here or a short YouTube video about it

13th Jun 2024 - Miss Sky seemed preoccupied with watering the ground elsewhere in Singapore these days. I was thankful that she allowed me to finish my quick swim.

14th June 2024 - I reviewed my IPL post and started to question my decision to do IPL treatment on my beard. I'm on my fourth session today, and it seems like the growth of my beard has reduced. I'm even considering doing IPL treatment on my small brother's pubic hair, but I doubt it will happen... I felt embarrassed when I did IPL on my armpits, so doing IPL on my small brother IS impossible. 😆

14th June 2024 - Today I had my final IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) session for hair removal (you can read more here). I'm actually really pleased with the results, and I believe the money I spent was well worth it. I'm happy that I no longer have to deal with the inconvenience of shaving. Thanks to the treatment, this Fatboy got his armpits smooth and hair-free.

15th Jun 2024 - The long weekend has impacted our plan to visit JB today. JB customs has confirmed that the traffic is extremely congested, so it's not recommended to travel there. Instead, we hung out for some food hunting in SG and deeply discussed our learning journey.

16th Jun 2024 - Once again, my waifu was waiting for this day to go for a ride with her and had a moment to read a book. The great thing was that the book (a collection of inspirational stories) was great! I love short stories.

17th Jun 2024 - Revisiting Labrador Nature Park
(Click here to read more)

18th Jun 2024 - Swimming Theme #6
(Click here to read more)

20th Jun 2024 - In my "Beginning of June Overview" post with ChatGPT, I mentioned that I decided to quit my plant collection. Today, a plant hobbyist informed me that one of the joint mass orders had arrived. I went to pick up my final purchase and then fully used the condo pool!

21st June 2024 - Yes! I rushed back home quickly so that I could go for a quick jog! Today I decided to wear my green trisuit for a jog! What do you think of it? Great to have Mr. F join my jog for the first time. He never knew he had to jog on uneven terrain (an uneven route), so it can be a challenge for him.

22nd Jun 2024 - On Saturday, I had planned to do some random activities like gardening, cycling, hiking and sorting through my Pokemon trading cards collection. I don't play the game, but I enjoy collecting the cards to feel accomplished.
23rd Jun 2024 - Serapong Unknown Ruins
(Click here to read more)

24th Jun 2024 - Looking at my salad, I experienced a sense of accomplishment for maintaining this habit for a week. Despite my fat untoned bod, it's evident that I've made an effort.

26th Jun 2024 - Today, I decided to collect my last plant from the grower. I am thankful for the months of attention he has given it; the plant appears very healthy—my hope is that it will flourish under my care. As for the stormy skies ahead, they represent a transient phase for me, and I hope I can regain my confidence in gardening sooner.

28th Jun 2024 - Today it was great to have Mr. Lim (my teacher friend) swim with me again. We got to discuss my recent happenings in school. Hmm, he had not been swimming since he got serious rashes, so accompanying him for a swim will motivate him to work out a bit.

30th Jun 2024 - (credit my mother) This is my first time of blogging, putting up an update blog post using my phone. I think I can manage it, especially when there are a few images only. During the weekend, I accompanied my mother, elder brother, and Aunt H as my elder brother was interested in looking at some vehicles. Guess what? I saw a Ferrari sports car today! I actually got to stand next to it and sit inside, pretending it was mine. Too bad reality hit when I woke up—I'm not a whale 🐳!

Looking back my June post, most of the posts were about me engaging in swimming. Luckily, it was a private blog, if not, I might make more unknown people vomit 🤮


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