Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cycling - Insects checking

Hi Blog,

After three weeks without riding on my fatbike, I told myself, I have to get up in the Saturday morning to cycle and study, even though last night we had a long chat with Alvin, who is my Instagram friend. So only four hours of sleep, cycling to my quiet place!

Thanks God it is a sunny morning! Perfect day to cycle. :) as usual I will start my photo taking session before reading my book or research on. But I am not alone...

Spider starts to show up. This is a special black spider, don't know it's name. But it is quite big, as constracting the usual one.

Then fly starts to do its cleaning and drinking on my arm. Best part is it just stay here for me to picture it!

Then this last inset (not to mention above ants and etc) is the bee. I think over, and scare that it might sting me. But I learned that they won't hurt or attack us unless we disturb it or damage its best. So I allow it to explore me but the bee start think "naughty " after awhile.

Hey bee! Welcome to my lap :) but there is no flower for you. 

errr... Bee. Too close to my manhood... bee

Hahaha that bee goes in deeper to explore. So embarrassing! Haha!!! After awhile, it flies away and explore my back and sides.

Feeling great to interact and appreciate with insects. Then after my ride and have fun with insects exploring my body. It's time to go back!

After I reach home, usually ritual is to clean my bike, so before I clean my fatbike, let's Pose for the shot for today. :)

Have to use stupid brush and wonder is there a better way to clean my bike. Anyway anyone of you might want to suggest any cleaning tool?


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