Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cycling - Tron Custom Cycling Jersey Design

Hi Blog,

I have completed my very own Tron Cycling Jersey Design. Now I am saving up to make it and also looking for company to process it for me. Many companies can't process my order because they will only accept order with more than 10 pieces.......... Sigh.......... disappointed.......... Anyone who knows a company which can process it for one piece, let me know.

Overall design of my tron inspired cycling jersey

Here are the front and back of the design.

Back of my Tron inspired Cycling jersey

Front of my Tron inspired cycling suit

Oh God.... Please let me find someone who can help me and make it cheap... Or BEST market it!



  1. Jeff,

    Looks great. I've done a single custom in the past via AK Apparel (http://www.akapparel.com/). It is more expensive, but you can get singles done and there are actually many companies out there that will do them.

    Now if only I could find a similar jersey in soldier red (to match my bike's paint) rather than free program blue.... :)


    1. OH! Hi Mike! Sorry for late reply. Hahaha I am surprised that my blog post will have readers XD

      Mike, what do you mean by "but you can get singles done and there are actually many companies out there that will do them."? haha Which or what singles?

      soldier red? :D Interesting! I will design that one. It seems rare!

  2. Hey Jeff,

    By singles, I meant getting single jerseys done....lots of places have a 12 jersey minimum, which sucks. I used AK in the past, but they now have art charges...adds up quick if you only need a few jerseys done.

    I'm going with a TRON theme in 2015 for a cycling charity ride I do every year. I'd be interested in finding out who you're using to get your jersey done....if they are familiar with the gradients and shading already, it would be easier for them to make use of that expertise for whatever I come up with.

    Alternatively, and this is if you'd be willing (with credit, of course), I'd be interested in utilizing your design as a base. I'd need to add the ride and team logos, but it would give me a leg up and possibly give you some leverage with the company (assuming they are making you happy).

    Give it some thought and feel free to drop me a note about it: k200mtbmanATgmailperiodcom (you'll have to remove the anti-spam modifications).



    1. Hi Mike.
      Thank you for your comment in my post. I am surprised that anyone will read my post. Hahaha

      About the company, I got my custom order from http://www.yptex.com/en/
      They don't have min order for customize jersey unlike the rest.

      About the gradient and shading, I just received my jersey yesterday and had made a post about it. Here is the link http://3sgjeffery.blogspot.sg/2014/08/cycling-tron-inspired-custom-cycling.html

      Take note, Their designer didn't design this tron jersey for me, I did it myself by submitting a PDF (photoshop file convert to PDF) to them And I made a mistake in the size... I might correct my design and submit again to remake a new one... sigh.........

      You can have my design as a base if you are interested. :)

      Best regards

  3. Hi Jeff, what was the size of Podium Tron that you have ordered, thinking of getting one, thanks

    1. But take note, their Podium Tron is out of stock and if you are getting the long sleeve top and bottom version, please take note of something too, the top is kind of loose... I am very disappointed... thinking of selling it off.... :(

  4. Www.cfgpromos.com you can order one piece minimums.

    1. Thank you for introducing this :)
      but but... it seems rather expensive........ :,(

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