Sunday, June 1, 2014

Trip - Cameron Highland - 'BOH' Tea Plantation

Hi Blog,

Tea Plantation here we come! Check out the mountain of tea plants arranged in rows!

BOH Tea Plantation
How nice if Singapore has such beautiful place, well... only in Lala-land Singapore version. Anyway, I didn't manage to take much pictures about explanation of tea processing but I learned of making a good tea or differentiate tea grade need a series of process of selection!

Well... You can check more detail when you visit that place or YouTube! XD Lets pose for pictures!

This place is a 'BOH' Tea factory, meaning NO Tea factory. (just kidding. Because 'Boh' means 'No more'/'Never' in Chinese dialect. ) Anyway, it is a famous tea brand, as I understand. Well, I am not into Tea in person, beside Milk tea, but I will favour Tea than Coffee. :)

The scenery of the Tea plants landscape has attracted many tourists to take pictures.

Group shot!
Oops Someone spotted me trying to take a bite of the Tea leaves.
And lastly Emo picture :D


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