Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cycling - Cycling in my Tron Podium Jersey

Hi Blog,

As usual this morning I woke up and ready to cycle. I decide to wear my tron suit with pride! And surprisingly, it turned out normal and okay! Not like how I used to feel in the beginning.

Hanguang, James and I decided to cycle to Upper Pierre again. Too bad, James overslept which he didn't manage to see the beautiful sight of upper Pierre.

Love the peaceful scenery
Calm.... ^_^
Such beautiful scenery can't stop me from taking pictures :)

Thanks Hanguang for being sporty :)
Oops Captured by Hanguang while I was setting the camera
Salute to the morning sun
YOLO Jump!
End it with a jump shot! Yippee! :) then ride to bishan park to meet James.


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