Thursday, April 24, 2014

MapleSea - Black Day Couple Breaker Event

Hi Blog,

It has been a while to post something about MapleSea. Recently they lack of interesting events beside the attendance event which most players will do, there is nothing much to write.

Okay set the events aside, there are some good points from asiasoft. They have hall of shame to showcase the names of hackers they had banned and trying to her players involved in their RED patch. Nice move For the start.

Okay let's get back to our event - Black day event - Couple Breaker Event.  (click here for more details)
(Event duration: 23rd April 2014 ~ 14th May 2014)

All you need to do, is to hunt monsters and look for the Couple Monsters Detector. Use the Detector to call out a Maple Valentine Monster, and defeat it. Here is the story behind the event.

Upon defeat, these monsters may drop the following items

What a Forveralone event... :( Here is how a detector looks like, it has a fine drop rate but need a lot of Use slot, as each detector will take up one slot of your USE Tab and you cannot summon the monsters in town so you will have to go out of town and summon the couple monsters.

Below are the couple monsters! HATE THEM TO BE COUPLE! KILL!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yeti Couple in Love
Panda Bear for Confession
Moon Bear for Confession
Mushrooms Just Dated (They are cute :3 )
Overall view of Couple Monsters summoned
Here are a screen shot of their death speeches.
And there is a Bonus monster! King Slime as special rare monster summoned!

Romancist King Slime
King Slime KO speech
WOW! It drops something rare than usual stuff!

And I got ADVANCED EQUIP ENCHANTMENT SCROLL or sometime 1000 points!!!! 

In the event, you can exchange for Great Solo ring and pendant. Errr.... I guess I will go for the medal (but lazy... because the required points are high... 30k and 80k), even though it will expire.

need 30k points....

required 80k points
On the 11th May, I got 30k! (<< I am just too lazy) and check on the expire date...

Generally, the whole event makes me feel like a foreveralone players... It doesn't make me feel great but filled with jealous jelly in my mind... Sigh.... Foreveralone and need my right hand to help me out...

In general, This event will be cool if we can keep the equipments... :( but in conclusion, any equipment which you got from Cassandra will have expiry date. 


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