Wednesday, April 30, 2014

MapleSea - Maple Board Game

Hello Blog,

Today MapleSea has new event which lasts only for two weeks, it is titled "Maple Board Game". From their website, (link here. In fact you don't ever bother to click because I did the screenshot) I noticed that they are too lazy to document it...

No much detail like picture or anything.... Look like they just rush out such events for players to shut our mouths...

okay back to the time limited event, you will see a new icon
on your left screen. After you click on it, you will be belief by Maple Administrator. She will give you some information about how to play and prizes to be won.

Anyway, Personally I love the design of the board game. lets check it out below.

WOW! Nice Free Super Power Buff! but........... I am lucky enough to step onto the Bonus Tile. and I got this... 

ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Are you cheating me??!!!!
Asiasoft.... What a troll... If you want to do it this way... Why don't set that tile to random stuff/!!!! Well... I am not surprised... 

but... you will use that buff immediately.... Troll... troll...
Okay Back to the quests. Let's find out what quests we will be doing.

Monster drop, should be easy

Need to collect mobster drop - Strange fur of Yarn

Should be easy, just kill 300 monsters!

Get Monster drop - Emblem and enter to a simple jump quest  

Chicken Feet! Just kill 200 monsters! You can do it with the daily attendance quest too. 

Collect 100 monster drops within your level. 

Collect Ice from Ice Pillar. 

This is the Ice pillar and you can also get it from mobster drop.

Once you completed the round of the board, they will give Chao Scroll 60% 
Conclusion: Boring Event....................


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