Sunday, March 30, 2014

MapleSea - White Day Event

Hi blog,

I have been away for sometime. Here is just some worth ranting and blogging moment about MapleSea. MoneySoft wants to celebrate White Day event. (<
Anyway this event (click the link here for more detail)
Check under "White Day Event"
The event duration from 26 march 2014 ~ 8 April 2014. It needs us to loot the lollipops and gains points to exchange for COOL items like

You can check on The White Day Gift store for exchanging the items.

And the two items have Set Bonus stat!!!!

WOW! WA & MA +10!!!
Need the total of 40k points! I work hard for it and lastly I got the item! and BEST thing about it.....

IT GOT EXPIRY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MoneySoft you are Trolling us! FLIP Table!!! This is what I will give you!

I guess I have no choice but to get the title............ and eventually.... I realised that this also have EXPIRY!!!!!! =.=

I will suggest you just gain points for better scrolls below. 

MoneySoft TROLL to the MAX!


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