Saturday, March 1, 2014

MapleSea - Encounter with Bosses with my Main Character

Hi Blog,

It is a short post for the start of March. :D I have screenshot my MapleSea encounter with Bosses. :) not much details but Just for recording purposes. LOL

I hope I can go to bosses like Pink bean or Chao Zakum. I must be dreaming.... Below are bosses which I have no problem bring it down.

Captain Latanica
BodyGuard - sorry I forgot its name
Japanes Boss -same forgot its name too
Hillas (Easy Mode)
Von Leon (Easy Mode)
Ranmaru (Easy Mode)
Black Bean

Some bosses I need help with

Chaos Zakum
Hilla's Pet
Von Leon (Normal Mode)
Bosses which I can't even defend even if with my friends

more images coming up

Hopefully more will be coming up


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