Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Hi Jeff,

Happy birthday!!! How old are you now? Jeff, I noticed that you get emotional these few days, how come?

Been your blog for years, I know how you feel. You feel useless and lonely all these years, aren't you?

You should not press too hard on yourself. You learn that if we have demand, we will suffer.

I know you are trying to be strong and you can talk to me, share with me about how you feel. I know you very well.

Jeff, don't sigh. Your pupils don't like to see you sighing. The positive side of you is the right mindset to maintain. You must not be defeated!

At least, you have your family members celebrated your birthday. Your mother and brother bought you cake, don't they? :) you should be surprised. And 'Spider' texted you, wasn't she? You have many friends and students sent their wishes, even some made you a design with your name on it in mindcraft. Haha... at least you got yourself a present from a parent and a handwritten wishing card from a student. :) cheer up! Man!

Oh? You still feel sad because of 'the coffee' is cold?

Come on Jeff. They may have their own reason. They are busy with their life so let be understanding. Keep up the right mindset and leave the past, move on your life. Remember what you told me before?

You said that, even if that person doesn't show appreciation, the appreciation which we SHOULD show, we MUST not discount at all. At least you did your part.

"Life is not about how much you get or how high you climb, it is about how much you give or how you help others to reach to the top."

Jia you ba! Jeff!

I drew something for you. Hope you enjoy and continue to put a smile on your face. :) it is HAPPY birthday, don't make it SAD birthday. :D


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