Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teeth Grinding Bruxism

Hi Blog,

During our peaceful sleep, beside sleep talking and snoring, we might even grind our teeth (bruxism) times to times. That adds in another new instrument for our sleeping symphony.

For me, I notice that I always practice different instruments at different sleeping occasions. I have to Pity my roommate who has to listen to my music performance every night but Lucky for him, he is a deep sleeper.

How does the night musical symphony is played by grinding teeth? It is usually caused by stress and anxiety, and because it usually play at night during my sleep, I won't know how it sound like beside leaving sore jaw and sometime headache.

I remembered that there was once I could hear myself grinding and I was "awake" yet my body was in sleeping mode.

Prolong grinding teeth will further damage my teeth and it is not a good type of music to have than snoring or sleep talking.

Check this video out for more info on Bruxism.

Anyway, my mother has this weird method that it will work perfectly. She said if someone grinds, just hit him with your shoes and that person won't grind anymore.

Err.... Are you kidding me? Surely that won't work! You hit that person from his sleep, then you can sleep peacefully while that person suffered from confusion of what is going on or worrying that his grinding will attract anymore beating from his partner/someone else. It will stop for the time being. Beside that person who suggests this method, have not received any beating during his/her sleep at all, even of she/he grinds, they won't know that and they won't like others apply ridiculous method on them.

I have done some researches:

1) Is to wear a Mouth guard. I can't get it easily from any stores locally but you can try your luck in the hospital. There are many different mouth guard products. Try to get the one which is for solving grinding teeth mouth guard.

Many can be bought from sport stores, but those mouth guard is too bulky and uncomfortable if to wear that while you are sleeping. So try to avoid getting that.

Eventually I got one on eBay. Here is the link if you need one.

2) is to do massage at your jaw area to relief the tension we might have during the day activities. Check on this video on how you can massage your jaw.

Hope this post will help those to stop playing dangerous music and prevent anyone from trying to hit you in the middle of your sleep.


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