Friday, June 22, 2012

Determination to get the jacket I want

Hi Blog,

Yesterday I finally Bought the jacket from a store named kitchenshop in Nex. You might be wondering what's so special about this jacket.

Lets set the design of that jacket aside because it is just a normal baseball style jacket.

Purpose is to share with you the experience I had, in order to get the jacket.

Two months ago, I saw a sale staff helping a male mannequin to dress up for their latest fashion collection series.

Next, they put on this black baseball style jacket. It has a snappy collar (I love good collar shirt) and with two different colour sleeves, left side orange in colour and right side in grey.

The fabric of that jacket is light-weighted, waterproof polyester with two stretchable cotton sleeves.

I like it simple. :)

I didn't dare to step in because I actually already have a few collection of baseball jacket myself. So I can only admire the jacket from a distance.


Every week, I will pass the shop and cannot get my eyes off the jacket. Then I decided to step in to take a close look at the jacket. I realised that the price was slightly above my budget. I hoped this will wear my thought off.

But no, it didn't. I still can't get my eyes off the jacket after a few week later, I decided to get the jacket but "S" size was out of stock!!! Left size "L" which is too big for me.... I thought this time I thought I may give up totally.

Surprisingly, I am not giving up. I simply stared at the jacket which the male mannequin was wearing. I believed it is wearing size "S". I don't know what make me believe it is. I will I just treat it as a hope.

Back to yesterday, I saw the male mannequin dressed different clothing. My mind told me this, "okay! Jeff! Your jacket is ready for you."

So I stepped into the store and hunted for the jacket. The jacket was hanging at the leftover corner, with a word "sale". I grabbed it with imaginative opera music and checked it's collar, it read size "S"!!!

I wear this jacket proudly as I know it is belongs to me right at the start. :)

"what's your, is yours."

Just some sharing.


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