Sunday, July 30, 2023

Hiking - Easter Dover Trees

Hi Blog,

The feeling of burden or relief after finished my blog posts was indescribable. Today I wanted to go hiking!

Where shall I go to?
Hmm... 🤔 After a careful and quick thought, I explored Dover Forest. I remembered that Dover Forest was in the midst of deforestation to make space for new buildings, but I saw many hikers still posing in pictures of the West zone of the Dover Forest.
I should go there because I only went there (here and here) once.
Feeling great suiting up again
After so long drafting at home, dare not explore out. Now I feel free!
Let's go! Next image.
Arrived at Dover... Most of the forest had been removed... Left the West side...
...hmm, I started to worry...
I wondered will there an entrance to the remaining forest.
ooooo! I think I found it!
The exit which I had exited on my previous visit.
Time to go in and find these trees. I hope I can still find it.
Hmmm... I wonder if is there any area which I have not covered...
...I should not think much and see how...
Let Dover Forest bring me around.
Hello, every tree here.
Have to go deep
Hi, tree. I am glad you are still here.
I wondered if should I explore the uncharted route or not...
I saw a bamboo zone...
It was quite beautiful.
But... I felt that I was told to stick to the track
What a thick root, almost my height.
This tree looks like it was wearing another plant as a dress.
Anyway, my purpose for today's hiking was to find the beautiful trees here.
Wanted to explore further there but... I feel I will do so next time.
Did you see the concrete structure here? Here might have kampong before.
Looking for a tree... but there was a giant fallen...
Just looked at the thickness of itself... Sad to see such a big giant fall...
Long time, I had not been taking pictures of these fun guys (fungus).
Ah. Hiking in the afternoon was such a great experience.
Because no one was around here!
When I spotted this well... and based on my previous visit... I knew I was near those beautiful trees!
Let's check this well firs.t
My favourite Banyan Tree is "Dragon".
Just look at the massive vines! It looks like it has a vine-tail wrapping around it.
I said Dragon, you could say it is a fox/dog. But the dragon-like is how I feel towards this tree.
Tough but not as massive as what I had visited before, but this is good enough.
If you have a DSLR, taking pictures here will be perfect.
Because of this tree, I want to make a post about the Banyan Trees that I visited.
Next tree - Bondage Teee. LOL!!!! What a name but it was like it was bonded by another plant.
Suddenly, I felt that I should dress as Captain to explore this forest.
Feeling so different in a different suit hiking. I felt so worried about bumping into a group of hikers...
So I better speed up my pace to find another tree.
Oh yes! The "Widely Opened Leg" Banyan tree.
Just how wide it is!
It looks like we were looking up.
I went back to have a last shot with the "Dragon" Banyan tree because...
I just realised that I promised to have a date with my friend, LC and I was late! So I can't explore further...
Oh well... I arrived so late... I should learn to check my calendar before I sleep.
Overall, visiting Dover Forest and managing to find those beautiful trees was a treat to me, like an Easter Eggs finding. I feel that I should open another blog just to achieve my Hiking Experience for the general public without showering my stupid face. I will look into it.



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