Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MyPaint Artwork for P4

Hi Blog,

I forgot that I left out one artwork which I showed to Primary 4 during Digital Art Lesson.

Here is the final product!

King Crab
This artwork focus on texture.
Below are some of the students drawing. Enjoy!

Aloysius and Ahan 4C
Brandon and Celia
Carmelia and Balqis 4C
Chan Boon Jun and Chee Wei Cong 4D
Clarice and Asyilah 4D
Deena & Dahlia 4D
Misha and Mavis 4D
Rizqin and Nadiah 4D
Tian Yuan and Yew Hwee 4B
Vincent and Isaac 4E
Wei Bin and Zhi Xin 4D 

Hope you will like their artworks. :)


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