Sunday, April 22, 2012

Draw something

Hi blog,

Today I am going to introduce to you a very popular apps named "draw something".

Love the introduction!
Draw something is one of very popular apps and it is free too! You simply need to draw something to hint your friends to guess what you had drawn. If they guess it correctly, both of you will be rewarded with coins which you can use to buy more colours. Each drawing will come with given letters below for us to spell the correct word.

At the beginning, I got flooded of drawings for me to guess when I used my iPhone. And now I switch it to my iPad, so I will only return my drawing when I hook onto Internet. :)

Where you can use the coins to buy more colours
Decide on the word you wish to draw
I have a lot of fun with that app. I had seen some of the best drawings by my friends and some crazy artists out there. You can simply search "draw something" on google to see some of the crazy works.

For me, I had drawn some myself, not impressive but at least something. :)

I will post some of the work I drew tomorrow. :)

Rating: 4/5

"I just simply love the introduction of draw something."

Let's draw something else! XD


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