Saturday, October 30, 2010

Music Video for Jeff's Month - Heart Even

Hi blog

Here comes to Jeff's music of the month. After listened through the songs which my student suggested in facebook.

There was one which I love so much. It was from the Script - Heart even.

Even though the lyrics sound a bit too 'chiam' but generally I love how the way of how the singer sang that song especially when it comes to dual from the timing 3:00 - 3:55

A good song should keep it simple and easy to sing. Best is to repeat the important lyrics again and again, to capture the mind of the listeners.

Behind every song, there always something that hit me. The song actually gives me a feeling of loneliness and reminds my sad history of "no choice but to give up relationship".

How I wish I can sing it as 'hard' as the singer does in the video.

Stop my sharing, blog. Let you listen to it. Play!!


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