Monday, October 4, 2010

Kidney stone free!!

Hi blog,

Today I finally got the feeling that the stone is pushing it's luck in my bladder. I sensed it is trying to free itself.

Thanks God for giving me a chance to drink continuously for three days. And painless too.

Now the stone was pee-Ed out!!

Even though during the peeing, I pee blood and sensed sharp pain while the stone was moving within my 'brother', but when the moment it was out, it was a relief!!!

I decided to pick it out from the pool of urine with my hand. (ps: I wore a long plastic bag given by mr Boon)

Let's us look at the stone!

Actually I will like to thank this stone for this few months, make me realized that the importance of drinking water. Thank you stone and I am going to curse you jail in my glass container forever!!!


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