Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cycling - Matching Attire

Hi blog,

Short post. Saturday morning usually I will encourage myself to cycle. Just feeling weird after seeing a good awesome Echo Fatbike - carbon fiber, light and stylish. While cycled on my fattie, feeling heavy... Honestly I should stop envying. Slow and heavy is what I should learn to accept.

And since I need to prepare a topic for next month and have to carry A4 size materials for researching. I decide to wear my sport attire - bright green contrasted with black, my alien green Nike shoes, green-white sock and green undies (nah! Just kidding. I don't have green undies) to match my fattie! Surprisingly we are a pair! :3

a lot of ants started to check on me and my books

Anyway, I shall start reading and today is one of the longest stay at my quiet place. Maybe because I have been changing places due to ants invasion. Hahaha

See you around. 


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