Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cycling - Dirty Fat Bike

Hi Blog,

Today is my first time cycle to west route, previously I had covered half island at east side (sorry I didn't blog it, I will do it if I got chance again) and because I want to go to Sandy's nursery to get a nep. I understand fatbike can't petal fast, So I spent like two hours to reach his place and another two hours back home.

During this ride, I keep on thinking of one thing - is fatbike suitable? It is slow and a sense of drag. Then I answer to myself, yes! It is slow and it drags your speed, but this is why I love it, I won't forget why I get myself a fatbike. Because of its stability and it actually build up my legs muscle, the real power. I am not going for competition or whatever, I get a bike just because I wish to travel around at my own pace. So I love my fatbike beside when it got dirty...

Catch up at Sandy's nursery, I saw Elgin, long time no see him, members from GCS forum. He rode bike before, after a serious injury, he won't dare to ride anymore. I hope he is well. Elgin and Sandy saw my monster bike and they were amazed by its monstrous tire size, that is one more reason why I love my fat bike. Anyway it was a nice catch up over his place.

Back home, tired and hungry. It is time to clean up my bike, kind of hate it but Elgin commented which make me feel better, "got dirty or mud is good, that means you are actually riding your bike than display it." Thanks for those words!

Flip and get my hands dirty from those dirty chains and those dirt are everywhere. I guess I will have to get a feather brush to clean those gears and chains.

I shall clean it well and patiently, a clean bike made me feel great!

Will try again next time 


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