Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cycling - my Fat Bike got nailed

Hi Blog,

Tyre or tire (sick over American or British English! Why can't they come to an agreement to standise their English?) punctured, is all bikers' 2nd worse nightmare. Because flat tire will mean your biking time will come to a stop and need to spend some cash to repair it; let don't forget you have to get your hands dirty if you know how to change it yourself.

My greatest fear happened!

I noticed a silvery button on my back tire and when I pull out, it was an ear plug, thick ear plug. I can hear buzzing sound. What should I do? What should I do?! I plucked back it back and stopped the air from coming out.

I recalled my student, Alan got his tire punctured and My friend, Yaoming. They had to go through hell to fix their tires.

And Alan has to change his tire and inner tube. Then... What about mine? Oh my God! My tire will cost me $200!!! And inner tube is around $30. I fainted... 

But thanks God, I still can cycle while the plug still in my tire but slowly.

I was happy to have The owner of bicycle stall to serve me, because previously he is not very approachable but this time around, he helped me to change and inspected my front tire too. 

What I appreciated, is the boss taught me how to clean my bike and he ended it with a smile. :)

End up I only need to pay up for the inner tube. Thanks God.


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