Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cybermon - GOT HOOKED!

Hi Blog,

I am a hard core gamer myself; not the hard one but I will say a serious game player. If I am given time, I confirm spend time on gaming, reading about it (I will still spare some time for my fat tummy) so that I can enter and live in another new world - a Cyber world. But I have a concern...

Beside MapleSea, Which I am a fan of Maplestory. Previously I used to hook onto Facebook games like Pet society, Restaurant city, Country Story (I love the music), and I owned many people because I hacked XD. If I can't hack, I will make sure I spent time and money to be good in it.

After Facebook old titles closed down, Nicolas, my pal, introduced me a new facebook game, Cybermon. Initially, I hesitated to play because I know myself very well and Maplestory already took most of my time.

But.... End up, I got hooked... Okay here we go.

It was once an old Facebook game title, Planet that have many creatures (link), what a long and un-creative name and this game had been revamped into Cybermon (they used back the graphics from Planet that have many creatures). For more detail about the gameplay of Cybermon, just check the link here and some nice blogs below.

  • Facebook Page for Cybermon (link)
  • Cybermon Wiki - Trying hard to gather information (link)
  • Great deal of information - Gameplay and have a lot of overall pictures (link)
  • Cybermon World Blog - My favourite blog with pictures and detailed explanation (link)
  • Cybermon Bonus Collection site - You can collect other players bonus. GREAT site! (link)
To summarise, it is like Digimon or Pokemon (honestly I didn't watch the cartoon or the game) because you have to collect monsters, upgrade them and evolve them into a higher level and more powerful monsters! For me, I was obsessed by the drawing of the monsters. (Oh God, Please don't let me read, check, play Digimon... )

Especially the rare monsters in Cybermon!!! NOooooo!!!!! (all pictures credit to Yuria)

I love how Yuria put the information about the monsters, and it required a lot of money, patience and effort to own the BEST information of those monsters. That inspired me to do something similar but on a manageable scale. :D

I will gather information of monsters in certain areas next time.


~Updated on 07/03/2017~
Nah.... Feeling dead with this game. I didn't play that game already but it can be an addictive game.


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