Monday, March 14, 2011

Pet - Kuhli Loach

Hi blog,
I just bought 20 new CUTE fish named Kuhli Loach, Coolie Loaches. They are in my lab. :D
Look at the CUTE fish

It is a small Eel-like freshwater fish, can be found only Indonesia and Malay Peninsula
Its family group look like this..... Hmmmm Weird.... They don't look the same actually... Well Whatever

Personally, I like the look at it's face. Aborable and Active Fish.

And the way how it feeds

for more information, click on this:
Credit: Picture from


  1. Love those fishes, I have about 14 young kuhli together with my RCS

    1. I also hope to keep some of those too. need to find the right place for them


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