Friday, October 11, 2013

App for Review - SG Nextbus

Hi Blog,

Today I will try to do a review of app which I had downloaded or been using.

First abs, no no, app is SG NextBus.

There are many bus arrival timing apps around like this SG Nextbus, SG Buses delight, My SG Bus, SG Bus predictions, my transport Singapore and many more. So far, SG Nextbus has more positive reviews than others

I am quite satisfy with this because other bus-arrival apps take their own sweet time to load their program before you can use it. Some tends to load or determine your location first; and worst of all, the advertisements.

One stupid situation where your connection is weak, the app can load advertisement first before loading the bus numbers or timing. 

Anyway, this SG Nextbus has a simple and clean interface.

You can save the preferred bus numbers in your customized list, then just click on the Black box on your right to show its arrival timing. *blink!* (exclude lousy connection)

Speaking about customization, you may click on the bottom right to find the desired bus number. But you must know how to read a map! For me, it has not issue with that!

Lastly, one good thing about SG Nextbus is the size of their advertisement is small, unlike the other apps in AppStore, will take up more than 25% of your screen! It is like as if someone place an advertisement paper on your face. Irritating!

Review score
Layout: 4/5 (simple and clean)
Function: 3.9/5 (I have high expectation. Haha but still nice)
User friendliness: 3/5 (some adult may not know how to use it because they are not dare to try it out what individual buttons mean)


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