Thursday, October 10, 2013

Plants - Resurrection of Hobby

Hi Blog,

Yesterday I just received my VFT (short form for Venus Fly Trap) from bestcarnivorousplant. It was exciting to sow it and see them grow :) 

I have prepared the giant pot for them, hope they will grow like crazy (experiment) let me introduce the pot which they will be sowed.

Length more than 60 cm and 20 cm deep pot. Since I want them to grow like crazy, space is important. The depth of the pot is due to vft has long root system, so it is better to give them deep pot.

Soil mixed: perlite and peat moss with a lot of sphagnum moss at the bottom of the pot to prevent peat soil to wash away

Water well: VFT needs a lot of water, it is best to avoid top watering because some water may trap at the core area of VFT. So I made a water well with plastic bottle. Haha at that time, I felt that I am smart and genius too. 

I can control the amount of water from this well! Smart right!?

Will update more in the next few days when the seeds will germinate


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