Thursday, October 17, 2013

App for Review - CalenMob

Hi Blog,

Having a calendar which record down our meetings and appointment, even our friends' birthday, is an essential tool for busy adult like me :)

When I was young, remember someone birthday is not a problem because you only have a handful of friends to get along with. But when I got older, I tend to forget some of latest friends' birthdays, meeting up or appointments; there are so many things you need to do and attend.

Lucky I have a phone which helps me to track down everything. Personally I have not used or tried out many calendar apps, beside our iPhone calendar, I have one which I like. It is called "CalenMob".

The logo shows a lot what can this app does. Many classic calendars organize your events into list-format, which might be preferred by others.

But I like it in BLOCK system which allows you to see your whole schedule will be, according to time and duration.

It follows google calendar style or I will say, it can connect and sync with your own google calendar account!

At least it's advertisement doesn't disturb you but maybe due to the screen size, I can't see the whole day at once glance, sometime I might miss out some events if I didn't scroll up or down.

Lastly, iOS 7 has changed the format style which I don't like and don't seem to have the option to sync or link to my google calendar, so I divide my schedule into work and personal. I am an organized person (learning to be)

Review score
Layout: 3.5/5 
Function: 4.2/5 (quite easy)
User friendliness: 3.9/5 (I might miss some event due to screen size)


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