Sunday, August 12, 2012

MapleSea - Maplestory Overview

Hi Blog,

I am going to share with you my favourite gaming - Maplestory. I got influenced by my Elder brother and Sister because I hope three of us can have common topic to share if we have shared common interests. But thing doesn't turn out the way I expected... My elder brother doesn't even speak to me, my sister lost of interests due to misunderstanding and conflicts within some maple players.

Anyway, I still carry on playing due to the sprites of the characters and monsters. I love 2D fighting games too, for example King of fighters. Even though it is 2D, but they have no limitation of the game content and play. Okay, enough with my sharing, some of you may ask what is Maplestory.

Maplestory is a Free-to-play, 2D, side scrolling, multiplayer role-playing game, developed from South Korean company, Wizet. There are many different publisher companies host servers for specific reglions or countries.

The whole idea of Maplestory game is about travel around maple worlds, kills some monsters, improve their character's skills and abilities, and make friends virtually. Players can communicate live, do trading, form up a party to clear certain quests, and share the reward with friends. Below is some of the screenshot I have made so far.
Form up team to do party quest
Complete a chain of quests together
Build friendship by working together
Bossing together to help my friend to get his helmet

He got the reward! :)
Accompany me while traveling
Beside the sprites of the game, I like the interaction with friends in this game, complete quests in the game and I love to help beginner too. But there are some downsides for ruining your gameplay, Most of the players will only go for Levelling and Damage-lust. Some "Cashy" players, they tend to be rude within the game, insult others who are weaker than them. Sometimes you will get to know some immature players too. Worst of all is those players who do illegal stuff like Scammed and Hacking.

In any kind of online games, you won't like to play alone, we will feel safer if we can play with someone who can guide us. :)

Having a Good Gaming Experience is to balance yourself, your family, your friends and work. 

I will share with you about Maplestory plot. :D See you again.


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